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  1. antelopedundee

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    been awhile!
  2. antelopedundee

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Canadian Jiggs McDonald, NHL Hall of Fame broadcaster, speaking in Ontario, says: "I am truly perplexed that so many of my friends are against another mosque being built in Toronto." "I think it should be the goal of every Canadian to be tolerant, regardless of their religious beliefs. Thus, the...
  3. antelopedundee

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Sex and Good Grammar For my grammatically correct friends ... Remember this. On his 74th birthday, a man got a gift certificate from his wife. The certificate paid for a visit to a medicine man living on a nearby reservation who was rumoured to have a wonderful cure for erectile dysfunction...
  4. antelopedundee

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    If you sprinkle when you tinkle please be neat and lift the seat.
  5. antelopedundee

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Text from husband to wife: “Darling, a car hit me as I was leaving the office. Jaqueline brought me to the hospital. Now, the doctors are doing tests & x-rays. I have a head injuries but no risk of side effects. The cut required 19 stiches. I have 3 broken ribs, a broken arm and a leg...
  6. antelopedundee

    Remington 700 Trigger Dismount

    Would anyone have a pic of an older Remington 700 action that shows the slot that the safety lever slides into? Found one in my basement.
  7. antelopedundee

    Remington 700 Trigger Dismount

    Check to see which direction the pins go. The rear pin comes out first, tapping on the tapered end. I usually have them going in in opposite directions on installation. The front one goes in first and can go in either direction, but I have them going in opposite. All of mine are left hand so...
  8. antelopedundee

    Remington 700 Trigger Dismount

    When removing a trigger from a Remington 700 I found it handy to slip a clear plastic baggie over the trigger and action in order to catch that pesky spring that likes to fly away and hide. Also catches the bolt stop and mounting pin. I don't have a decent punch long enough to push the rear pin...
  9. antelopedundee

    Full Length Re-sizing Questions

    Once you size the case then you have to expand it again with a mandrel which moves or should move the non-concentricity back to the outside where it is removed with the trimmer leaving you a case with concentricity on both the inside and outside. Or you could replace the mandrel with an inside...
  10. antelopedundee

    Teslong Borescope

    Both actually!
  11. antelopedundee

    Teslong Borescope

    Have not gone back to it.
  12. antelopedundee

    Jewell Triggers

    They got deleted.
  13. antelopedundee

    Jewell Triggers

    IIRC the gun was being pre-sold so the builder was installing a Jewell trigger.
  14. antelopedundee

    Clear coating a stock

    When I had a couple of Richards laminates finished and fitted the gent doing the work had a body shop do the clear coat. At least one had a thisrt for the clear coat as it took 3 or 4 times to get enough on and had to be sanded between coats. So you were at the mercy of the body shop and when...
  15. antelopedundee

    Teslong Borescope

    Will check that out tho the mic works. Course you don't need the mic with the borescope.