Search results

  1. Apollo

    Balls for flags.

    Dave Halblom would be a good contact. Flying Fish Fundamentals or 515-556-5833. He is at the Hunter Nationals right now, so he might not answer his phone until Sat. Stanley
  2. Apollo

    Growing the IBS

    I believe the Factory class would help promote Benchrest and get more people involved. However, after co-running the Postal for 5 years (which has 4 clases - VFS, 6X, MF, F) I do not think the IBS or NBRSA should adopt a Factory Class. As stated above, rule enforement would be a nightmare and...
  3. Apollo

    NBRSA Hunter Nationals ?

    Short update from day 2. (sorry for any misspellings) 200 yd winner was Wayne Corley T.K. Nolan was the 100 & 200 Grand winner The person who gave me the scores stated that the conditions have been pretty tough. Sorry I am not able to give credit to all the Hunter shooters who are at the...
  4. Apollo

    NBRSA Hunter Nationals ?

    I heard Chad Schmidt won the 100 yesterday with the only 250 shot - but haven't heard anything else. Anybody got more information? Stanley
  5. Apollo

    The Rise of the Varmint Hunter Class

    Greg, thank you for setting me straight, I had poor wording. IF IBS does get rid of case capacity, I would still build toward the 45 grains of water to meet the NBRSA rules - or vise-versa. I amended my post so I don't cause confusion. Thanks again. Stanley
  6. Apollo

    The Rise of the Varmint Hunter Class

    I also agree that the case capacity should be dropped. It just makes sense. "For those shooting a VfS gun in 30BR, building a HBR gun with the same reamer, dies, etc. makes a lot of economic sense and simplifies shooting both guns if a Two Gun is being contested. I favor dropping the case...
  7. Apollo

    2012 100 yd score Postal Results

    The attached spreadsheet has all the scores/prizes/$ for the first 3 Aggs of 5 total. Just click on the tabs to see which class/Agg you want to view. Thanks again to all the great sponsors of the 100 yd Score Postal Tournament. Stanley
  8. Apollo

    Long range elk whacker

    Bang. Dead. Ab-o-lu-bly awesome
  9. Apollo

    Vermont State Metric Champ, Congrats to John Cascarino

    Great shooting everyone. Congrats John.
  10. Apollo

    Humidity.......The rest of the story

    "However, once you get a handle on the trends and get repeatable results, you will be able to use them anywhere." which, I believe, will lead you to be able to predict where the powder measure or tuner needs to be before you fire a group. Stanley
  11. Apollo

    can't see the blue

    Ammashoota, I use a KenLight annealer which makes things very simple once set up. I also use two Tempilaqs. 475 (which is close to the bottom of the heat needed to relieve stress) and 850 (the point of no return). I put both on the same case neck. As long as the 475 melts and the 850...
  12. Apollo

    Shadetree top and Farley travel

    Ed, I own 2 shadetree tops (1 for a 3" forend and 1 for the hunter gun). This past weekend, I shared a bench with a gentleman who had a Farley. Instead of changing rests, we just used his. I do believe he had a little more travel in the Farley than I do in the Shadetree at 100. However, the...
  13. Apollo

    Favorite movies?

    "I'm not sure I could sit thru 4hr 20mins of chinese and subtitles regardless of how good it was" Theatrical version is a little over 2 hours. But yes, you do have to read. Caddyshack and Animal House have also got to be up there - especially after you watch the "behind the scenes making" of...
  14. Apollo

    Favorite movies?

    If you like strategy, might wanna check out Red Cliff. It is on netflix
  15. Apollo

    Sorting your bullets by ogive lehgth

    I have thought about doing somethign similiar to what Mr. Nyhus and Mr. Wass are talking about. I wanted to make my own "female" seating stem that exactly mimicked the bullet (male) 10 or 7 ogive. I was going to make the mouth of the stem the same diameter as lands. In my mind (which is...
  16. Apollo

    offset scope rings

    Thanks for the information. These might be on my Christmas list.
  17. Apollo

    30x44 clicking

    Thanks for the info guys. I've ordered the die. Al - you gave me an awesome idea for another project. :cool: More info to come later. Stanley
  18. Apollo

    30x44 clicking

    I have a 30x44. The brass used is Winchester Savage 300. I've developed a slight click at the top of extraction. I don't really want to make new brass - yet I will if I have to. Is there a small base die that I could use with this brass to get through the season (8-9 matches)? Thanks in...
  19. Apollo

    offset scope rings

    I've heard of these advertised, but have never seen or used them in person. Question - are they both (front/rear) offset the same distance? Reason for asking - if they are both offset the same distance does a normal scope still have enough horizontal play in the crosshairs to get to the X?
  20. Apollo

    The why of seating depth ?

    Maybe I missed it in the reading, but another good way of finding your 0.000 mark is with the Sinclair tool designed by Jon Leu when he was at Sinclair. I made my own "plug" out of Delron to fit tighter. I...