Search results

  1. Apollo

    NBRSA Hunter Class Case Capacity

    2013 I looked on the NBRSA website but could not find the date of the 2013 B.O.D meeting. I heard eliminating the case capacity rule narrowly passed (for a 1 year trial period) at this year's Nationals in Kansas. Just wondering if it was approved at the meeting to make it official?
  2. Apollo

    Wind Probe/Indicator

    A couple things to keep in mind when shots don't go where they are supposed to in a properly tuned, mechanically sound rifle: 1. Mirage. Mirage trumps windflags and does not always go in the same direction the flags are showing. One thing that I look for when there is mirage: wait for the...
  3. Apollo

    Wind Probe/Indicator

    For me, it is easy to see a change in direction of the flags. It is hard (for me) to see a 3, 4, or 5 mph change in the tails of flags. The probe(s) make this change easier to see. Especially when a condition goes away and then comes back. When the flags/tails look the same as the last shot...
  4. Apollo

    Wind Probe/Indicator

    I have found that a probe, when used with wind flags, will tell me more of when not to shoot than when to shoot. Stanley
  5. Apollo

    NBRSA Hunter Nationals?

    Thank you Mr. Small. Congrats Greg, RG, Ron, and all the other top finishers. There also is a VFS match going on at the same time - if I remember correctly,it is not a National, but a Super Regional event. Regardless, some of the best shooters on the planet are in Kansas right now. Good luck...
  6. Apollo

    NBRSA Hunter Nationals?

    Anyone heard any news from DeSoto KS and the NBRSA Hunter Nationals? I heard Greg Swezey(sp) won the 100 - but haven't heard anything other than that. Thanks in advance. Stanley
  7. Apollo

    For the car guys among us

    Very nice Al. fast?
  8. Apollo

    0,0077 group!!!!

    Thank you Mr. Stinnett for taking the time to answer questions. Also, congrats on such an accomplishment. Curious, do you move your tuner during the match/agg (not necessarily during the group - but between relays)? If so, is it just trial and error or do you have notes/etc? Thanks for your...
  9. Apollo

    What bushing for lt 32 ?

    I hope this isn't considered 'stealing a thread' but I gotta ask this question. I could be totally wrong on how I figure out my neck tension - which I would like to be corrected. In order to get an accurate neck tension, when someone says they have a 262 neck and use a 258 bushing don't they...
  10. Apollo

    Painting/Staining Cement Benchtop

    Thanks for all the replies. I appreciate it.
  11. Apollo

    Painting/Staining Cement Benchtop

    I constructed a 2 bench practice range. Both tops are cement. Both benches are covered. I want to paint everything to match the cabin close by. I would like to "paint" the cement; however I don't want it to look like crap later on. Am I better off to leave it or are there certain product(s)...
  12. Apollo

    Ladder Test

    When I shoot my ladder test - I aim at the dot, but have the bullets impact roughly 2" below. That way I don't shoot out my aiming point and the bullets are easier to see through the scope to mark on the bench target. I don't hold for conditions- just aim at the dot and let the bullets fall...
  13. Apollo

    Ladder Test

    Jerry - you bring up a good point that I overlooked. On the load ladders that I do - I already know, roughly, what the charge is going to be. For example; 30 BR with 118's and H4198 I think it will be around 34.0ish - so I would start a little under that and go a little above. If I was doing...
  14. Apollo

    positive quotes

    Some people were born on 3rd base thinking they just hit a triple. bad.....that wasn't very positive. How's this: I'm so optimistic that I would go after Moby Dick in a row boat, and take the tartar sauce with me.
  15. Apollo

    Ladder Test

    There is more than 1 way to skin a cat, but this method has worked pretty good for me. I load mine .1 gr apart. Seating depth is usually .015 + from touching - that way I only have 1 way to go later on. Label cases 1, 2, etc. I try and keep it to 10 or so cases - otherwise it gets really...
  16. Apollo

    Case Trimmer

    My Grandma is an great cook. She makes really good cookies/pies/etc. She has been baking since she was young. When she bakes; she doesn't use measuring cups or measuring spoons, she just dumps in what she thinks is right. Her stuff always turns out good. When I asked her for her recipe she...
  17. Apollo

    Case Trimmer

    Wilson also makes an inside chamfering reamer (they call it deburring) that works much in the same way as their trimmer. I agree, if doing these operations without a "jig", the case can/will change length based on how much force you use when...
  18. Apollo

    NBRSA Polls

    I went to the NBRSA website and logged into the members only tab. In that tab, members can "vote" on different topics (there are two items dealing with Hunter and VFS, one on the new sporter changes and one on a long range issue). After you "vote" it shows you the results of what has happened...
  19. Apollo

    Cleaning Scope Lens

    It is a Sightron fixed 24 with A.O. Again, scope works perfectly, just dirty. I'll contact Alan Orr (Sightron) or Bill Ackerman.
  20. Apollo

    Cleaning Scope Lens

    Thanks for all the replies. I tried washing the lens with hot soapy water and cotton balls. No change. I will try some alcohol. If that doesn't work, I will contact Alan Orr. Thanks again for the replies. Stanley