Search results

  1. Apollo

    trouble throwing charges

    LASER - please keep in mind in your quest for accuracy/precision. Many times people will spend many hours trying to get that extra .0XX of an inch (or less) only to lose .X of an inch (or more) because they didn't spend the same amount of time practicing shooting in the wind. I think thrown vs...
  2. Apollo

    trouble throwing charges

    This may be another option to consider - or throw out. Vials. Vials have their advantages and disadvantages. For me, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Stanley
  3. Apollo

    Shooting-Related Hearing Loss?

    Great topic. I am in my 40's ("25 and holding" if anyone asks). I've been shooting pretty much my whole life and Benchrest the last 6. Now, I wear both plugs and muffs while at the bench. I've noticed hearing loss the last couple of years. I also have tinnitus. I talked to our school's...
  4. Apollo


    Russ, "My 30BR with 34.5gr LT-30 BIB 112gr 21.5" Bartlien 16.5 twist should be a tad slow" Is that what you won the 200 yd Nationals and 2nd in the Grand with? If so, I would like for you to change it. :D See you in May...unless you can hitch-hike to KC in April
  5. Apollo


    Hi Russ. Hope your winter is going well. Yes, it was a lot to keep track of - too much for my bird sized brain. I'm glad I did it because now I can say that I don't want to do that again. Looking at my notes: Disclaimer = I think my Chrono is fast - so even though these numbers might not be...
  6. Apollo


    I tried a "real life" test. I worked up a load with BIB 112-7, both LT-30 and H4198. 35.7 gr of LT-30. 34.6 gr of H4198. I kept all other components the same. At a NBRSA registered match; 100 and 200 yd, Group on Sat and Score on Sunday, I alternated matches. LT-30 one match - H4198 the...
  7. Apollo

    Need New Range Cart Ideas

    I bought and used the cart shown by the post in DSM. I don't know where I bought it -but it was on the internet. Works great - however, if you purchase this one, reinforce the handle at the bottom curve. It sticks out quite a ways from the basket and therefore has a lot of torque. Within the...
  8. Apollo

    Primer Preload Test

    Thank you for sharing this info Bart. Two questions (maybe I'm just not thinking today) :confused: 1. How do you know where just touching is on a primer/primer pocket? Do you mathematically figure it out then measure? (that only counts as 1 question :) 2. Are primers uniform enough to...
  9. Apollo

    NBRSA Score Nats results?

    a few of the banners and a view of the range looking northish
  10. Apollo

    NBRSA Score Nats results?

    range looking south before day 3 RG, Pete Crunk, TK solving the worlds problems
  11. Apollo

    NBRSA Score Nats results?

    Pictures Here are some pictures of the range. Weather was very comfortable with some mirage and switchy/tricky wind thrown in to keep us honest. I heard there were close to 60 Hunter shooters and almost 70 VFS. Many Benchrest suppliers donated some incredible prizes. Every shooter took home...
  12. Apollo

    BAT 3 lug actions

    Here is BAT's website - if you have not already been there. All my competition rifles (3 = LV, HV, Hunter) are now 3 Lug. Compared against the two other BAT 2 Lugs that I have felt; I would say the 3L and 2L have the same smoothness. The 3 L advantage is less bolt...
  13. Apollo

    BAT 3 lug actions

    What are you planning on doing with this action? Fun, hunting or competition - if so, specifically what discipline? This will help get you more reliable information. Stanley
  14. Apollo

    .30 or 6mm for short range group shooting this year?

    Nice post Rick. Thank you. I enjoy looking at problems from different perspectives. I'm only stubborn on a few things.:o How long will a 30BR barrel last in group shooting before it loses it's competitive edge? I do not know the answer to that. I'm guessing some people do. I will find out...
  15. Apollo

    .30 or 6mm for short range group shooting this year?

    A couple of people have mentioned that it cost more to shoot a 30BR. I am going to go out on a limb and say that it is actually cheaper to shoot a 30BR over a 6ppc. The cost of bullets is recovered when you figure in the cost of the barrel and chambering of that barrel compared to how many...
  16. Apollo

    Seater Die Storage

    Thanks for all the replies
  17. Apollo

    optical booster

    I think I have one. I bought a used scope and it came with it. If you are interested send me an e-mail. Stanley
  18. Apollo

    Seater Die Storage

    Thanks Hal. Yes, the foam cut-outs is my plan - but thought I would ask in case there was something already made that might work better. Thanks for the reply. I'll see what transpires and go from there.
  19. Apollo

    Seater Die Storage

    I have 1 Wilson seater die with multiple "heads" (drift assemblies). Does anyone have any ideas on how to safely organize and transport this die with multiple heads? I have some die storage boxes but not sure if I want the "heads" to be bouncing around. Thanks in advance Stanley
  20. Apollo

    Muzzleloader Solvent

    I realize this is not a Benchrest question - however many Benchresters are also hunters. Is there a different solvent (other than the typical solvents you use for your centerfire rifles) that you use for your muzzleloaders? Many of the resources that I have read suggest using hot water and...