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  1. D

    Bat new Bolt assembly

    Your answer lies with-in your question....sort of. (Just checking before I call bat) During your call to BAT inquire w/ model/serial number in hand to see IF a new bolt body will fit in the receiver's bolt raceways....
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    300RUM neck diameter?

    alinwa, Remington factory neck o/d's measure .3372" w/ seated coreloks & swifts.
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    Lug-If I was a gunsmith

    I have several s/shot prone rifles w/ longitudinal,drafted recoil lugs that do not have a sandwiched lug between Bbl & receiver. Makes for interesting conversation in the discipline, for those that don't/can't think outside of the box.
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    Epoxy recoil lug?

    alinwa, A longitudinal,drafted lug will tame the thumpers as does a couple 1/8" pins to PIN a scope rail to a receiver that doesn't incorporate integral lug(s).... aka tool/die procedures.
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    Weld recoil lug to Rem 700 action

    Mike, Many DIY's are willing & able in short order to screw up an anvil with a feather duster & then to be a democrat about the whole debacle, blame the anvil or feather duster for being defective. I refuse 15-20 + receiver weld jobs a year for IDIOTS blowing the receiver wall thickness out...
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    Bounty on Hogs

    OP, Black Bears would clean up those PIGS in short order.
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    Weld recoil lug to Rem 700 action

    alinwa-I don't do SALVAGES.period. Al's, Rcvr inverted/up side down in vise. Mill a slot lengthwise from the rcvr face to a depth as NOT to interrupt the threads. Offset the through hole in the lug to match. press the pin into the lug. Yes,a radius from the pin will be in the bedding as a...
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    Weld recoil lug to Rem 700 action

    OP, Don't contradict your self,or get your panties in a knot by reading this post. If so - GFY! Al, Looks good. BUT Not my preference for a pinned lug. Longitudinal mill cut as not to interrupt the rcvr threads. Radius of lug pin presents a radius to witness bedding issues. I've had too many...
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    40X Rimfire Feed Ramp

    Insert the rim fire cartridge INTO the chamber. Use tweezers if needed.
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    Diamond METAL cutting skilsaw blades???

    Al, Yes. Reverse SMAW/Stick welding. Carbon Stick is electrode-consumable. Compressed air blows molten material out of puddle.
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    Weld recoil lug to Rem 700 action

    brickeye, When does hydrogen precipitation occur in a welding process? If some rookie is quenching,they learned the trade in the back corner of a barn! Plating is not a concern in this thread....either!
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    Diamond METAL cutting skilsaw blades???

    Al, You'll need an AirArc 6ft stinger w/ 3/8" carbon rod &/compressed air plugged into the "whip" w/600AmpDCRP to blow through 1" plate in 1 pass. Like a hot knife through butter. Turn amperage down to 450 & feather edges to your liking. Plasma Cutting is restricted in several area's by...
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    Diamond METAL cutting skilsaw blades???

    Al, ACA /Air Carbon Arc would be the most economical & fastest option.
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    Weld recoil lug to Rem 700 action

    Mram10, You're back again, from your twisted panties debacle. You wonder why people in the know call you out. You received a reply & you persist to be stupid...DUH! Get a clue Seek a professional Electron Beam Weld your recoil lug.
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    Rem 700 Bolt Lock or No Bolt Lock

    4,5,6,7 digit,A,B,C pre-fix serial numbered receiver bolt bodies have bolt lock safety cuts. Bolt lock safety cuts in bolt bodies went by the wayside w/ "D" pre-fix serial numbered receivers in the late 90's w/ the advent of the ISS/J Lock firing pin assy's. In the tens of thousands of bolt...
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    straight vs curved triggers

    Straight or Curved trigger shoe is your choice- BUT Purchase a Trigger Tech trigger group instead of any Timney configuration. (You'll thank me later)
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    Rugar M77 accuracy potential?

    OP, Rem Seven's & 600/660's are basically XP-100 bolt length actions-not 700 short or long actions. Purchase all of the rifles & weed out what you don't need/want. The integrated scope bases in the receiver tops are endorsed by many hunters. BUT Investment cast Rugers will NEVER be in my...
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    Remington 700 extraction issue

    OP, Check the 4 digits inscribed into the bolt body aft end at 6 o'clock to verify w/ your last 4 of receiver serial number. alinwa, 3 lug length options, identified by 3 different markings in any Remington bolt of which ALL 3 fall w/in SAAMI headspace specs. Late fall a local had an issue w/a...
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    Remington 700 extraction issue

    OP, Clean the Bbl bore & CHAMBER as if it was never fired. Clean the inside of the bolt body of any grease. Grease the firing pin shroud threads & re-assemble. Grease the aft surface of bolt lugs & fwd surface of bolt handle/extraction cam surface. Any EP- extreme pressure grease(wheel bearing)...
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    Luby,s just lost my business.

    Like the saying- Better to have a gun & not need it than need a gun and not have it. I've packed a SIG SAUER Classic Pistol (P220/P226/P227/P228/P229/P239) on a rotational basis 365 days a year for the last 25 years,concealed,no permit or restrictions in Alaska,concealed or open carry. Not...