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  1. ScottD

    223 and wind

    maybe If you shot one shot in a full left wind and the next in a full right it would be worth approx 2.4 inches total (10mph at 100 yards). Of course you have to add to that the regular grouping ability of the rifle itself - say 1". So you could have a total of up to almost 3-1/2 inches total...
  2. ScottD

    Jackie Schmidt Tuners

    Tuners Thanks Jackie, I take that as quite a compliment coming from you. I followed your recipe and the pics posted about your tuner from many months ago. I am not a machinist, but have access to a lathe. I manage to get them both done without killing myself. They work? -Yep, I think so...
  3. ScottD

    Shamrock Weather...

    What??? Only 18 mph wind on Saturday? Thats seems a little below the standard for the Shamrock. Scott
  4. ScottD

    Jackie Schmidt Tuners

    These are a pair of tuners - design by Jackie Schmidt - thanks to Jackie for doing all the hard part for us. One was a Christmas gift to my Dad the other is on my LV. Not many rounds with it yet, but I won the first match when using it. Scott Dittman
  5. ScottD

    Riverbend Match - The Popsicle Match

    Here is the report David, yes we had the match - snow, rain, sleet. No hail thank goodness - i think hail in 20 mph wind could be deadly. Here is the match report I have shot with Jim enough to know he can shoot wind very well. We will see...
  6. ScottD

    Riverbend Gun Club (GA) Club match March

    The first match of the year was contested today...boy can we pick'um. The temperature at the start of this event was a balmy 36F and dropped from there (to 31F) Now, I know you northern guys think nothing of this, but us thin skinned southern boys are contrary to such weather. Seven shooters...
  7. ScottD

    Riverbend Match - The Popsicle Match

    We must be crazy. Riverbend's (Georgia) first club match of the year is tomorrow morning. The forecast?? 9 am 35F snow/rain wind 15mph windchill= 25F 11am 35F snow/rain wind 17mph windchill = 25F 1pm 36F flurries wind 19mph windchill = 26F I don't understand why we don't...
  8. ScottD

    RBGC 100/200 BR Matches - Georgia

    Riverbend Ray...That's right ....first match of the season...we are gonna have to see who brings out what new toys. As far as coming out to be a spectator---Heck if you are spending that much on fuel to get here, may as well add $20.00 bring some kind of rifle and shoot too. How about this...
  9. ScottD

    Wind indicators and probes, who manufactures

    Windicators No I don't make them anymore....but if someone wants some help, I will answer any questions if you want to try to make your own...really not that much to it. Scott
  10. ScottD

    Release Triggers

    Missed it last time. Yeah Ray...I must have slept through that part last week?? Must be "Cabin Fever" setting in. From the looks of the flame war above...I ain't the only one. Phil says 6 more weeks of Winter....God help us all.
  11. ScottD

    Release Triggers

    Was just reading about shot gunners use of release triggers. Any thought of using them in benchrest? Sounds like a good idea. Scott
  12. ScottD

    Farley Action..?

    Not yet I think they were only introduced a couple of years ago no one has probably gotten their's yet.:p Actually I have an old model - its great. Scott
  13. ScottD

    Sticky Cases

    Mentor Darryl You got everything you need to make it work now. All you need is a mentor or just someone that can meet you at the range and spend a hour with you to show you how it all works. Its really easy once you do it once. Or go shoot in a match - take all your stuff with you. By...
  14. ScottD

    Sticky Cases

    Disagree If the bolt opening is fine but sticks at the top of the throw, it is usually a sign that the brass is too large at the web or just old brass. you have two choices - full length resize....which is better in my opinion than neck size only anyway, or use new brass. I will assume the...
  15. ScottD

    .258 agg on windy day?

    Thats why we compete That's why we compete. A .258 could be really good or it could be really bad. Until you can sit down with a bunch of other guys and gals and shoot under the same conditions at the same time, you will never know. Quit worrying about if you will win or lose...believe me...
  16. ScottD

    scratch on neck with Redding bushing? why?

    Lynn Go to here and look at the cut-away of the die. See this area of the die just above the shoulder, but below the bushing. The neck has to go through this hole to reach the bushing. (clearance hole) So if you take the bushing...
  17. ScottD

    scratch on neck with Redding bushing? why?

    Mmmm I don't think it is the bushing. The bushings are rounded on both ends and anyway they do not size that far down the neck usually. Try taking the bushing out completely and run the brass through - I bet it still does it. Something is wrong with the die - not the bushing. Scott
  18. ScottD

    hold for head & tail winds.

    I go for shooting sighters myself. Jackie is right - always shoot a sighter to see where is goes. I don't mind headwinds, but tailwind is bad. I think since I shoot most at Riverbend is why. The roof over the firing line starts low about 15 feet behind the line - it gradually rises as you...
  19. ScottD

    hold for head & tail winds.

    Wait a minute... I think I really studied the second chart from Tony C for the first time, even though I have seen it many times. It doesn't seem right that the difference is location between the 6 and 7 wind could be that far apart. Same for the 12 and 1 wind. am I missing something? seems...