Search results

  1. ScottD

    Kids BB guns

    bb guns The Bb's can be had from MSC or Mcmaster Carr - look for steel balls. The girls shoot 5 meters standing, sitting, kneeling, prone. Prone the can keep 1/4" groups - standing and kneeling is another story. Dave - i tried shooting them - standing, I can barely keep ahead of the...
  2. ScottD

    Kids BB guns

    Tom Tom, Funny you should ask....but we don't use BB's. They are not very round - after building a gauge to sort BB's by size and learning that "Precision" BB's vary in Diam by as much as .007, we use steel Balls for bearings. 11/64ths.
  3. ScottD

    Kids BB guns

    Ok ...we all know that BR shooters are crazy. I have two girls who have decided to join our local BB gun team. Of course can't let them shoot something ugly or inaccurate. Doing trigger work on a trigger made out of plastic was quite a task. I also couldn't add a textured butt plate - only...
  4. ScottD

    Don't want to leave out group shooters....

    If I shoot the small group in a match ....but on my neighbors I still win the small group award? Sorry....I just had to do it.
  5. ScottD

    IBS score question 49-5x target

    I didn't say the rule was flawed...the rule is fine just like it is. It is actually one rule that is written quite clearly. I just wanted to make sure that I was correct in my scoring it a 49-5x score for the match. It is interesting that in 38 years no one else ever asked. I guess I related...
  6. ScottD

    IBS score question 49-5x target

    Thats not what the rules says Y'all can talk about "intent" "interpretation" "reasonable man"...but that's not what the rule says. It says When an identifiable crossfire occurs on another competitor's target, the low value or identifiable shot shall be transferred to the offender's target At...
  7. ScottD

    IBS score question 49-5x target

    This discussion came up at a club match and the rules don't really address it. The rules says that on a crossfire the crossfiree gets the actual score less one point. So if the person shoots four x's on there own target and one x on their neighbors target... what is their score? My...
  8. ScottD

    50-5x...200 yards

    Riverbend Score Match This past Saturday, Ray Brooks shot a 50-5x target at 200 yards. I have never seen it done or heard of such a thing ...especially at Riverbend. And it wasn't even plugged - a "no question" 5x. Funny part was, just before, Ray said he was selling that rifle...he may...
  9. ScottD

    Scott Dittman -- River Bend Gun Club 2008 Shooter of the Year

    Thanks Guys, The credit goes to my gunsmith and Dad (same person) who is always willing to meet me at the range anytime to practice and who does all my barrel work (even with tuner). And thanks Dad too for letting me in on the .324 bushing secret...I think that's what did it. See everyone in...
  10. ScottD

    Range box???

    gotta have wheels i use one of these - they are good to get stuff there.
  11. ScottD

    Neck turning motor

    Hovis...I use a gear motor is a GE Straight Shaft at 152.7 RPMs (110v). I bought it used at a surplus place online. I have it set up with a sinclair shell holder. The thing to get is a reversible motor. Mine has foot pedals (one for forward one for reverse). That way you can hold the...
  12. ScottD

    Tested Loads Today - Really Disappointed

    Going from 2" to 1" is really easy. Going from 1" to 3/4" is a little more difficult but possible. Going from 3/4 to 1/2" is difficult - it will take lots of load development - some gunsmithing (trigger/bedding etc). Wind - even though you say "light" becomes an issue when you get to the 1/2"...
  13. ScottD

    Need a good gun smith???

    gunsmith In Marietta - Jim Andress of Precision Rifles and Gunsmithing Jim Andress 770-876-2351 I don't know if he does Winchester stuff - but he builds Benchrest rifles and does barrels for them.
  14. ScottD

    Congrats to all Riverbend winners!!!!!

    Results Listen - the conditions were bad - windy and switchy so the aggs look bad - believe me - there were times when you hoped just to shoot under an inch. LV Grand 1st Greg Ellis .2895 2nd Kevin Hovis .3056 3rd Scott Mims .3177 4th Steve Lee .3199 5th Jerry Sharrett .3280 HV...
  15. ScottD

    Congrats to all Riverbend winners!!!!!

    Congratulations to the winners It was tough conditions for sure. A special Thanks to Jim Andress and Charlie Hood and Carol, Dad ,and Johnny This is the first NBRSA event I have ever shot in at Riverbend. Maybe I shouldn't have squandered it so. Great match - went off without a hitch...
  16. ScottD

    Now This IS Benchrest

    with two double screw rings you have lots of support - and all the working parts of the scope are in the back anyway. The reason I asked is that the old "rumor" is that even the weight of a sunshade on a scope is bad mojo. Of course you know how rumors are in Benchrest. You win something with...
  17. ScottD

    Now This IS Benchrest

    Ray.. Are you worried about the front end of the scope hanging out unsupported or is there something we can't see in the pic? Of course with so little recoil it may not matter?? Scott
  18. ScottD

    Riverbend October Score Match

    Saturday was our windy-est match so far this a long shot. Wind was a measured 10-12 MPH with some gust that must have been near 20. The problem was that I have never seen wind blow in that many directions at one time. We had 12 shooters show up for what was some of the most...
  19. ScottD

    Problem for a Mathmatician and Experimenter

    hmmmm If a train 300 cars long leaves Chicago at noon on Sunday and the caboose gets struck by lighting, how long will it take to kill the driver? Assuming of course that he is a good "conductor" The bullet gets there first - if the "shock wave" was going fast enough to beat the bullet it...
  20. ScottD

    Riverbend September Group match

    Saturday was Riverbend's monthly match. We had 10 shooters show up for this group match amid switchy winds and hot, humid conditions. We hit 90F and the humidity was so high, fish were seen flopping across the range. We shot the 200 yard targets first. Dave Rabin enjoyed the calm morning...