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  1. ScottD

    Bridgeport mill question?? pics here

    Just got through refinishing mine. Wow - a lot of work. Stripping, sanding,filling, taking apart, putting together, painting..... well worth the trouble - a great piece of equipment. this one is from the late 60's.
  2. ScottD

    Went to a State Fair today----

    This thread is firearms related. If you look closely at the bull rider picture, you can see in the background the curved red overhead lights that are obviously attached to the BB shooting gallery. Most of you will have to squint real hard to see it. Tom - dang-it man - I know that camera does...
  3. ScottD

    Riverbend results

    Due to a pesky printer problem we could not print out results for the match so this is the next best thing. Thanks Scott
  4. ScottD

    They have a code for you

    Oh wait - the wall street journal has a search-able database of codes. W5921XA Bitten by turtle, initial encounter W5921XD Bitten by turtle, subsequent encounter W5921XS Bitten by turtle, sequela W5922XA Struck by turtle...
  5. ScottD

    They have a code for you

    they have "ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code W56.21" bitten by an orca. but wait they also have code "ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code W56.21XS Bitten by orca, sequela
  6. ScottD

    Bill Dittman puts on a shooting clinic at the August Riverbend Score Match.

    Bill Dittman Won the August Riverbend Gun Club Score match with a Score of 500-35X! Weather was good - pretty breezy and then about 2pm the sun came on full bore and tried to cook us all. But it was a great day of shooting with some great company. We shot 200 yards first - mirage was slight -...
  7. ScottD

    Rear bag sliding and alignment

    There is a product used by artist and graphic designers made by 3M. It is a spray glue similar to the glue used on Post-it notes. Its not really glue more like stick-um. works great on super feet too. Oh yeah, do not...
  8. ScottD

    Chris Gibby Wins Riverbend Match

    We had 13 lucky shooter for our June Score match. Weather was HOT. The wind was mild, or at least it seemed, as it was so hot that only a good 20mph breeze could have made it bearable. We shot 200 yards first, as is our custom. We had 7 shoots stay clean through the yardage. As I said, the...
  9. ScottD


    just a drill press and a cut-off saw. you have to know how to tap a hole.
  10. ScottD


    No he doesn't. In reality there just wasn't enough demand to make it worthwhile anymore. I couldn't buy parts in volume or do production efficiently for the few units I was selling each month. Sorry. Anyone interested in taking over the production? Scott
  11. ScottD

    David Reynolds

    David Reynolds will be sorely missed. Many years ago when I first started shooting Benchrest (Shamrock I) I had, by some miracle, put four shots down into a tiny little hole in 20 mph wind. The condition changed. I waited, and waited......and waited. Finally with only a few tics left on the...
  12. ScottD

    River Bend Gun Club Score Match April 9th Results

    We had nine shooters show for the April Score Benchrest Match at River Bend Gun Club. The weather was about as good as it gets in Georgia. Highs in the upper 70's, sunny, breezy, and a wonderful thin coat of yellow pine pollen. It is like wearing the yellow shooting glasses all the time. We...
  13. ScottD

    River Bend Benchrest Match Video

    I decided to try something a little different than a report of what happened and who won.
  14. ScottD

    What Is The Reason For Drawing Benches?

    As everyone knows - usually the same 10% of shooters win most all the matches. That means that 90% of us (yes, i'm in the 90% group) make up most of the voting population of the shooting organizations. A little know fact is that many years ago, the 90% shooters voted to draw for benches and...
  15. ScottD

  16. ScottD

    Rare Rifle?

    1949matches at DuBois PA. Al Marciante competed in the 100 yard event. He finished 5th and 8th? Shooting two rifles maybe? He finished 2nd in "daily average" behind M.H. Walker. Others competitors included Clair Taylor(1st) Sam Clark, Don Robbins (Taylor & Robbins fame), Rk Nelson, F.Hakes...
  17. ScottD

    Rare Rifle?

    According to my 1949 "Ultimate in Rifle Precision" Al shot in the 1947 match at Johnstown winning match #14 small group with a 10/32 in. using a rifle "swift" In 1948 he shot in the DuBois matches with a 100 yard average of .6484 using a D.Wasp smithed by Vaughn Cail of New Haven Conn. with a...
  18. ScottD

    The Girls

    Well - Claire and Sarah have moved up in ranks again. Claire started about 4 years ago with a state win in Archery and a trip to NASP Nationals. We tried to find a nearby Archery competition but all we could find was a county 4H BB Gun team. Sarah joined in and the two joined the team. Both...
  19. ScottD

    1954 Benchrest Book

    They are great. I have all five. The 1951 book has a great article about barrel vibration patterns and a barrel attachment device to tune them. Sounds familiar doesn't it?
  20. ScottD

    River Bend Shooter of the Year.

    Wayne Hunt - 2010 River Bend Benchrest Shooter of the Year.