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  1. G

    Texas Got Right

    Maine Becaume a permitless carry state on July 8, 2015
  2. G

    Fireforming a 30BR

    Al That would have saved me a lot of time, grief, aggravation and cost! So much for the maker's, of this 30BR reamer, quality control. No excuse for what he delivered me. Never went back to him.
  3. G

    Fireforming a 30BR

    That is so very true! Woe be the shooter that gets a reamer that cuts a too small throat, only to be discovered after chambering the barrel! Can't happen? Well yes it can, and I've been there :(
  4. G

    " Common Sense" gun laws

    I don't think the dems want to do anything about seriously disturbed individuals getting guns. They might loose a vote.
  5. G

    Please, please, please, use your real name.

    Yup use your home computer and you think you are isolated and anonymous? Think again.
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    Got my second dose

    Covid 19 sure helped do in Trump, though his own personality didn't help (: I am no conspiracy theorist in general , but in this case, don't tell me the Chicoms didn't plan this. Any bunch of thugs who would roll tanks over their own people for trying to promote a more open government or risk...
  7. G

    Score Reticles are again being made

    I just looked and Frank's ad is there.
  8. G

    Faecesbook is bullying Australia

    Absolutely! All this "social media" bs is like a drug. It's tough to kick it but once you do life is so much more pleasant. You might even visit or call someone and have a verbal conversation! :)
  9. G

    Heat wave

    In Maine from yesterday afternoon till right now (3/2 at 17:57 EST) we have had a low of 3F and a high of 18F with pretty constant 15-20 mph wind with gusts to over 30. No power from about 3/2 at 03:00 till about 11:00 then a brief shot of grid juice then gone again. Power companies can't use...
  10. G

    6 PPC from 220 Russian Lapua

    If you have the blue box ammo, just pull out the 50 case divider from the underside of the lid and snap it in the lower box....instant ammo case.
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    Faecesbook is bullying Australia

    I've always steadfastly refused to open a fb account. My wife loves it. My job is to insure she does not include any of my info in her posts. Zuckerberg and FB can KMA!!
  12. G

    Leupold scope

    That is good news thanks for th info.
  13. G

    Leupold scope

    God forbid that the customer can have what they want, within reason, from a manufacturer.
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    Got my second dose

    There are more than 200 viri that cause the "common cold". A virus mutates, just like us and all the other species in existence. Viri just do it much faster, like insects.
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    The NRA: Fake News Vs. Throw the Bums Out.

    Amen al Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Far too many shooters and gun owners vision stops at the end of their noses.
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    Got my second dose

    Vaccine centers Book the number of people on any one day based on the vaccine supply they have on hand.
  17. G

    6 PPC from 220 Russian Lapua

    this vet owned biz has it as of when I looked this morning along with 6BR Norma Lapua brass and Peterson 6BR Good luck.
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    Got my second dose

    It ain't but a blip symptom wise vs. should you catch covid. :)
  19. G

    The NRA: Fake News Vs. Throw the Bums Out.

    the treasurers report for the IBS was shown on ZOOM when the annual meeting was held in January online.
  20. G

    Interesting day at the gun store

    Steve how about a pound of H335 powder for $1.79? Mid 1970's. That 1974 $1 is worth $9.40 today factored for inflation. If you could find it at a reasonable price H335 would be in the $30 per pound range. Are we missing something here about the cost of powder??