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  1. T

    Bullet making?

    When buying 1/4" lead wire is it actually .250" or is it .247" . How close to that size would the bushing of the cutter need to be to that size? would a .2656" hole be too large?
  2. T

    Bullet making?

  3. T

    Bullet making?

    Are the generaly 1/2" or 3/4" thick? What size is the whole drilled to? Im thinking just slightly larger than .3087
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    Erik Cortina tuner?

    Has anyone used one of his tuners? I was wondering if it would be suitable for a short range for score 30br? It seems to be one of the few I can actually get in Canada. So has anyone here ever used one? They seem to be more popular with the fclass crowd. Thanks
  5. T

    Bullet making?

    I got a line on some Detsch moded redding big boss preses. I was wonder what you guys thought of these? Also for bullet trays, how thick are they and how large is the hole for a 30cal tray? Do you think wood would work for a tray ?
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    Bullet making?

    Been reading anything i can find and came across something. Has anyone tried using an ultasonic cleaner to clean the lube from the cores?
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    A nice day at the range

    Enjoy the weather. I got out for the first time in months to shoot some .22lr benchrest at my clubs Christmas shoot. Won a chicken for placing second :) The weather though floated around 0 to 1 degree celcius or 32 to 33 Fahrenheit and rain/freezing rain. But i also noticed it took a...
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    Martini International Mk V

    A couple of my local club members have these and they will shoot. I will be buying one some day.
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    Bullet making?

    I looked into that but he wont/cant ship to Canada.
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    Bullet making?

    Ill have to look into them. What brand is that one?
  11. T

    Bullet making?

    What measurement tools do you all recommend having around when making bullets? Im thinking a good micrometer would be needed ? (Have a Mitutoyo 0-1" micrometer ) Thinking a good set of calipers might come in handy. I have a cheap set of digitals but am thinking of upgrading to Mitutoyo...
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    grizzly gunsmith lathe G0509G

    I thought they were Taiwanese not Chinese ?
  13. T

    Bullet making?

    I wonder if a good hot water / dawn bath would degrease the cores? Im trying to use the least amount of harsh chemicals possible these days.
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    Bullet making?

    What do you lube your cores with? Or are you using pre cut/swaged cores?
  15. T

    Bullet making?

    What are you all using to lube your cores and jackets? I see alot of mention of a lanolin mix. also what do you use to clean them? Has anyone tried boiling water and dawn? Or are you all using acetone or camp fuel? Thanks
  16. T

    Bullet making?

    Ok thanks mine is a 30BR with a zero freebore. I atttached a copy of the print.
  17. T

    Bullet making?

    Is that the same reason for using 1.00" for the 7 ogive 118gr? Thanks Matt
  18. T

    Bullet making?

    Are your dies carbide? Also any ballpark price range for 30 cal dies and presses needed? Thanks
  19. T

    Bullet making?

    Do you have a preferred ogive for 30br using your original reamer specs ? I see you offer both 7 and 10 ogive 118gr.
  20. T

    Bullet making?

    What are our inserts made of? and are any of them sharpened? Any Pictures of the Inserts themselves? Im assuming the length of the core is measured from the top of the stop to the bottom of the top plate/insert? Thanks