Search results

  1. J

    NBRSA and good standing members

    Some times: Shi... happens! In my limited bench rest career I have been down range Three times when when rounds came down range while I was down range. IN ALL CASES the procedures were being followed for me to be down range. In none of those cases did I go off the deep end. Having...
  2. J

    GREAT NEWS !!!, For a Change

    Prayers Hang in there big feller! love jim casey
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    NBRSA and good standing members

    right on : AMEN. You go charlie! See you at River Bend.
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    NBRSA and good standing members

    my two cents while i no longer attend many shoots i have know Gene and others for a few years. That is beside the point. We elected them to do the best for of NBRSA. Not knowing the entire story, I have trust that have best intentions for our organization. THUS: I SUPPORT their actions...
  5. J

    Nationals Day 2 - Congratulations to Al Auman Sr. and Wayne Campbell!

    Congrads TO ALL WINNERS AND PLACERS. Roper and Graves hang in there. Bart and Billy keep at em! Come on Wayne hold up southeast!
  6. J

    Full-Length .22PPC Powders of Choice

    22ppc Try 2230 at about 28 gr for new brass. If brass is fire formed 29-29.5 of h322 works great for P. D. shooting. These load shoot same velocity in my current P.D. barrel.
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    southeast regiionals

    Thanks Went to web site earlier and had dates. curious about order of march for shoot. THANKS FOR INPUT. Wilbur: are you coming? Jim Casey
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    southeast regiionals

    when are they and what is order of shoot?
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    arkansas state shoot

    Results? Any report for us to lazy to attend?
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    Billy Stevens Wins the 2017 Mississippi Valley Regional 4-Gun!!

    congrads to billy and all other winners. man's like a hair in a biscuit - can never count him out.
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    The Pennsylvania State Championship at Kane - Match Recap

    thanks good write up! Hope to attend a shoot there someday. My Father-in-Law grew up in Kane. Thanks again. jim c.
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    What Do the Few Do That the Rest of Us Do Not?

    answer: dedication and talent!
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    The real Super Shoot Winner

    Jim I would hate to see the super shoot go away. While I have been for a few years it is always one of my goals each year. Thanks for all you and your family have done and will do.
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    Super Shoot 2017 Results

    wilbur thanks! Congrads to all winners!
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    Jeff Summers Wins Super Shoot 2 Gun

    Bart and jeff: BART: Thanks for posting! Jeff: Great results! Happy for ya! Congrads!
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    Super shoot results?

    Bart: Thanks old pal. Steve must not be shooting well as he always post results when he can blow his horn! Thanks again
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    Super shoot results?

    bart old pal post it on bench rest please. thanks! jim c.
  18. J

    Super shoot results?

    james bart did not attend super shoot? Congrads to Harley Baker. Good lick and good man.
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    Super shoot results?

    Any info on the first day?