thanks jack!
always a pleasure to read your reports! Wanted to attend this year but Father time had other ideas. Good luck at Nationals to all that are who are blessed to attend!
STEVE: Will not make it it. In addition to my left eye I now have a broken left hand. When it rains it pours! hopefully surgery on hand will take place this week I see the cutter tomorrow. Hope you have good turnout and everybody has good time. See ya'll one of these days.
thanks and congrads
Steve: thanks for report! Jeff: congrads! congrads to all winners, placers and shooters. really wanted to get there this year! never been. have heard great things about the hog roast for years. Maybe next year.
Jim: Planned to attend however - had another eye problem and will not get there this year. Lord willing - next year! say hello to family for me. and good luck! jim c.