Search results

  1. J

    NBRSA President ?

    ?? be good to know who?
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    US World Team Final Qualifying Point Standings

    congrats to all the shooters: Who competed to be member of U.S. team. Special congrats to the those that qualified. Good luck! and have a good time!
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    2018 NBRSA Grp Nats-Wayne Campbell wins SP200, Bill Mitchell wins HV200

    Steve Thanks for postings! Congrats to MR. Campbell and all other winners, placers, and shooters!
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    2018 NBRSA Group Nationals - Mike Conry wins HV100

    Thanks: STEVE: You southeast shooters need to "tighten up" come on guys my money is on ya'll!!!
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    Good Luck To All Of The Shooters At The NBRSA Group Natioals.

    go gettem! to all the southeast and former southeast shooters, bart and billy.. Wish i was there but health interfered again!
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    Off topic-kinda

    ;)happy for you Butch! it is great to see our grand kids do well!!!
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    2018 NBRSA Eastern Region Championship - DeWayne Wood wins 2 gun

    thanks jack! always a pleasure to read your reports! Wanted to attend this year but Father time had other ideas. Good luck at Nationals to all that are who are blessed to attend!
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    Allie Euber

    Rip Thanks for being on this Earth! You touched and guided a bunch of us. Even some old boys from the South..
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    IBS Group Nats Day 1 - Don Powell wins HB100, Jeff Peinhardt 2nd, Dave Bruno 3rd

    day two? Steve: or anyone. Is there news from day two?
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    Steve Lee wins 2018 SE Regional 200 Yard, Roger Avery wins HV 200

    my vote late sep. should be cooler, does not conflict with dove season too bad. also 4 gun
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    NBRSA Southeast Regional 200 yard stage MGGOA Dublin GA July 28-29

    results? any other news from the s.e. shoot ?
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    Al Blackwell

    May he and his dog rest in peace!
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    NBRSA Southeast Regional 200 yard stage MGGOA Dublin GA July 28-29

    Oops!!!! STEVE: Will not make it it. In addition to my left eye I now have a broken left hand. When it rains it pours! hopefully surgery on hand will take place this week I see the cutter tomorrow. Hope you have good turnout and everybody has good time. See ya'll one of these days.
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    Contratulations, Steve Lee

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    Congratulations Mr. Boyer Super Shoot win #7 Still the man at 78..

    congrads: to tony. Great bench rest shooter and holding on at 78! us youngsters and still getting lessons from the "great one"
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    Jeff Summers wins 30th Annual Hogroast

    thanks and congrads Steve: thanks for report! Jeff: congrads! congrads to all winners, placers and shooters. really wanted to get there this year! never been. have heard great things about the hog roast for years. Maybe next year.
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    Super Shoot 2018 Update

    a wanna be Jim: Thanks! Good luck with super shoot! Get control of that next generation! ALWAYS ENJOYED MY TIME AT SUPER SHOOT!
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    Super Shoot 2018 Update

    Oops! Jim: Planned to attend however - had another eye problem and will not get there this year. Lord willing - next year! say hello to family for me. and good luck! jim c.
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    New 600 yd. IBS records at 600yds in Memphis

    Bart: SUPER PARDNER! Can if i could get some bench rest that shot that good - I WOULD BE A HAPPY CAMPER!