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  1. GeneT

    Well, it's been ten yrs.....favorite books/authors?

    You've listed many favorites, but left out a couple. Shooting, Africana: Jeff Cooper, esp "To Ride..." To SF&F I'd add Harlan Ellison. And at least The Martian by Andy Weir (haven't read anything else by him). Much better than the very mediocre movie it inspired. I like most of Ayn Rand's...
  2. GeneT

    MechForce barrel vice

    Rosin, like Alinwa suggested. GsT
  3. GeneT

    bonding/gluing aluminum

    Mine should be here tomorrow... I don't actually have an immediate need, but I was so enthralled that I had to try some... I'm going to compare it to PC-11 (Marine version of "PC-7" - and my go-to GP epoxy), we'll see... GsT BTW, Another thanks to Lee for the D. Gelbart videos. I'd seen...
  4. GeneT

    Electronic targets:

    Like saying "..Hz (cycles) per second"? Since Hz are already cycles per second, you have said "cycles per second per second..." which I suppose would be a measure of acceleration of frequency... Probably a more egregious error than accidentally typing 'm' rather than 'M', particularly given...
  5. GeneT

    Will my 50BMG blow up?

    How old is "older"? Sitting on a pile of new IMI brass that I bought perhaps 10-15 years ago to use when my LC brass was done... GsT
  6. GeneT

    Genesis handle recoil? Not break?

    There have been several 15# 50s Serbu RN-50 "shorty" is 11 lbs, the carbine is 12#, standard is 15#. Pretty sure Safety Harbor's .50 was under 15# as well. There were a whole rash of that minimalist style a couple decades ago. GsT
  7. GeneT

    bullet stability question

    That's about the same as a .500 / .510 Whisper... I'm not sure what a typical twist for such is, but you might find some answers at the SSK website. GsT
  8. GeneT

    For the car guys among us

    It could be worse... I used to work with a guy who thought vise-grips were the universal tool... GsT
  9. GeneT

    For the car guys among us

    I had not even noticed that... The question is: does Al still have a driver's license? ;-) I'm older, and wiser, now, but given such a machine I'm not sure which would win out: wisdom, or juvenile thrill-seeking... (perhaps both - I'm *wise* enough to maybe not get caught.... Nice ride Al...
  10. GeneT

    My 1913 Anschutz target

    Well, tell him to try harder next time... ;-) There isn't quite anything so humbling as having someone demonstrate, conclusively, with your own gun, that it's not a hardware problem... Cheers, GsT
  11. GeneT

    inletting a stock part 2....DROP PORT

    The problem is that 10-year olds no longer know how to use computers. Unless there's an app for it on their phone, you're out of luck. GsT
  12. GeneT

    Rem. 700 .223 bolt assembly needed

    Check PTG - they carry '700 bolts that are probably better than the originals. Settle in for a long wait - they aren't fast, but the product has always been good, ime. GsT
  13. GeneT

    Lapping Compound?

    I had almost the opposite discussion yesterday - the fellow at the auto parts store said the lady ahead of me had been worried because the windshield washer fluid did say that it 'fit' a Toyota on it... GsT
  14. GeneT

    inletting a stock

    He did...
  15. GeneT

    Remington Bolt handle re-location

    On the other hand, if you plug those holes with shrapnel, or, say, a Sako extractor, it could become unsafe - nothing to do with the bolt itself failing. GsT
  16. GeneT

    One of Our Repair Jobs You Might Like

    I am very impressed by the video you linked a few posts down in the other thread. Your men barely utter a word between them, each man doing exactly what it makes sense for him to, maintaining constant progress on the workpiece. I can scarcely see the operation being any more efficient. As...
  17. GeneT

    best way to HOG aluminum.... by hand

    Bandsaw / hacksaw what you can, then course rasps and rifflers followed by progressively finer files. Vixen / Vixie files work well too, but I've only seen flat versions. Rasps come in all shapes. GsT
  18. GeneT

    CBN insert boring?

    I'm not sure that they still do it, but Sandvik used to send out a nice hardbound book on cutting tools and inserts - that went miles toward allowing me to figure out what the heck I was ordering and why some of my blind guesses hadn't panned out so well... (book is good even if you never buy a...
  19. GeneT

    Spider in steady fingers question..

    IIRC - which is always questionable... I think Steve Acker ("Gunsmith Machinist" from the Village Press Mags - Home Shop Machinist and Machinist's Workshop) did something very similar in a video they produced. Never tried it myself. Seems workable, in conjunction with wires or whatever to...
  20. GeneT

    Remington Bolt handle re-location

    A little deviation from topic... Dan, is that any Sako extractor conversion? I've wondered about them, but you're in a position to see many more than I ever will... GsT