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  1. GeneT

    jackie schmidt

    I miss Jackie's posts here. I wish him a speedy recovery. GsT
  2. GeneT

    Memorial Day

    We remember...
  3. GeneT

    Garmin Xero® C1 Pro Chronograph

    I saw that in some of the pre-release fluff and the specs are almost identical to the Garmin, so it didn't seem very compelling. And owners of the original Labradar can tell you the LR phone app was never very robust and the device interface was terrible, in spite of having more buttons to work...
  4. GeneT

    Kelbly Atlas

    Deviating from topic... Love that snakeskin coat Al! Is that a hydro-dip? GsT
  5. GeneT

    Does anyone wonder.......

    It works for me. Try clearing your browser cache and see if it still seems down. GsT Edit: I'm in error. The *articles* are still accessible, the home page, etc all say they're down for maintenance. My bookmark was article specific, so it appeared to be working until I started poking around.
  6. GeneT

    Barrel Sight Hole Plug Screws

    Ace actually has 5-6 drawers labeled "gun screws" in their small parts cabinets. You can find even some pretty obscure stuff there. GsT
  7. GeneT

    Firing Pin Spring for Nesika Action?

    I also thing R700 springs will work, or you could try contacting Defiance Machine - the owner is the same guy that started Nesika. GsT
  8. GeneT

    How's lilja these days?

    Never owned a Lilja, but I can tell you that Krieger always claims a long lead time - and then delivers much, much sooner. Obviously I can't guarantee that for you, but that's been my experience and they are my go-to barrel maker. GsT
  9. GeneT

    Understanding "new posts"

    I may be wrong, but I thought the thread had been updated but didn't hit my 'new posts' query. I'll pay attention if I notice it again. GsT
  10. GeneT

    Garmin Xero® C1 Pro Chronograph

    +1. My Labradar became obsolete about five minutes after trying the Garmin. It just absolutely works. I bought it just because it can live in my range bag, so I'll always have a chrono even if I hadn't planned on using one when I packed for the range (I wish I had more often than I care to...
  11. GeneT

    Understanding "new posts"

    Yes, that's the thread. GsT
  12. GeneT

    Understanding "new posts"

    There was recently a good thread on front rests. It has completely disappeared from "new posts" - I know not why. It still shows as the top post in "centerfire benchrest", but it doesn't show up in the "new" sections, in spite of being newer, and more responded-to than many other posts. I...
  13. GeneT

    Shooting-Related, Autobiographical Snippets

    Roughly a year later, after I'd been in the Fleet (Fleet Marine Force) as an infantryman, I ended up back in San Diego. Another Marine and I decided to go to MCRD (Marine Corps Recruit Depot) to watch some recruits suffering. We were walking across the parade ground when I heard "Temple!" - my...
  14. GeneT

    Shooting-Related, Autobiographical Snippets

    An aside, just to show that I wasn't Salazar's favorite. We had a big, muscular, fellow named 'Holmes' in the platoon. Early on he was "chill-axin'" while we were getting a dressing down. Salazar got in his face, straightened him out, and said something to the effect of "Do you think you can...
  15. GeneT

    Shooting-Related, Autobiographical Snippets

    It was regular practice that when we went to the head (the bathroom) that we did it as a platoon. Our squad bay had an entrance to the head, and the showers, that was a little hallway off the squadbay, forming an 'L' shape. When it was time to leave the head, we stacked up at the entrance to...
  16. GeneT

    Shooting-Related, Autobiographical Snippets

    OK, not really shooting related, but dmort and other Corps vets should probably appreciate... These are what I call "Salazar stories". Sgt. Salazar ("Drill Instructor Sergeant Salazar") was the meanest USMC drill instructor in the company, and I (among others) were privileged to have him as...
  17. GeneT

    Shooting-Related, Autobiographical Snippets

    When I was in it was just the red backside of the 'disk' (the disk is held in different locations to indicate to the shooter what their score for the shot was). We still called it "Maggie's Drawers" though. I recall that Maggie's Drawers were often presented with flourish, bobbing or dancing...
  18. GeneT

    Shooting-Related, Autobiographical Snippets

    Well, I'll deviate to shotgunning, and this is just a concept more than a story. My old shooting buddy (we shot every type of firearm together, and competed in same matches (mostly pistol matches) and we used to shoot at a quarry in the woods. The quarry was where they had once pulled gravel...
  19. GeneT

    Shooting-Related, Autobiographical Snippets

    Another one comes to mind... Years ago I bought my wife a Kimber Compact .45 for her to carry. I've always been annoyed that when a woman goes shopping for a pistol the folks behind the counter always spit out the tiny Ravens, and Jennings, POS pistols that *no one* can shoot well. In any...
  20. GeneT

    Shooting-Related, Autobiographical Snippets

    Years ago, I was shooting with some friends and one of them was shooting conspicuously poorly. All the usual excuses ensued and someone suggested letting me try the rifle. At a range of probably 75 yards, I took a kneeling position, exercised my best form and fired a shot. I centered that .30...