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  1. Hunter

    Austin Rifle Club - Match Results Nov 27, 2022

    See posts 5 & 6 at Also, see posts 2 & 6 at
  2. Hunter

    Austin Rifle Club - Match Results Nov 27, 2022

    Steve, I enjoyed your comments; thank you for taking time to post. :)
  3. Hunter

    Austin Rifle Club - Match Results Nov 27, 2022

    I'm curious as to how y'all get such good attendance at your matches. To what do you attribute that? Advertising? Shooting only one yardage (thus, finish quicker, but fewer targets)? Proximity to the shooters? What? At River Bend, over the past several years the average monthly...
  4. Hunter

    A Painful Lesson

    I'm in the process of learning a painful lesson, i.e., don't talk politics with family members of a different persuasion. All I can do is wonder how/why it happened.
  5. Hunter

    For the car guys among us

    It sounds like you've got it figured out that the net cost to you is zero. :)
  6. Hunter

    For the car guys among us

    That sounds more expensive than replacing barrels in our shooting hobby.
  7. Hunter

    River Bend's 2022 Centerfire Benchrest Matches -- Results

    Nov Report - We had eight shooters yesterday, including: (a) Norm Sills from Billings, MT, shooting his first benchrest match -- with a borrowed 6mm (thanks for shooting with us and come again when you're in this part of the world again); and (b) one factory rifle. Thanks to: Jim Andress for...
  8. Hunter

    Tack Driver III

    Thank you, Jim.
  9. Hunter

    What happened to.........

    Maybe he got upset and left; see post # 8 at!&p=853548&highlight=#post853548
  10. Hunter

    Tack Driver III

    How 'bout this ↓ ↓ ↓ BTW, see posts 5-6 at
  11. Hunter

    Tack Driver III

    Thank you, Jim.
  12. Hunter

    Tack Driver III

    Roy, thank you for trying to help; however, I can't open the attachment at post # 56 at that link because I'm not a member over there. How can non-members (surely, there must be more than just me) see who all was there, and the results?
  13. Hunter

    Tack Driver III

  14. Hunter

    Tack Driver III

    Can you post complete results here on BRC?
  15. Hunter

    This Forum Needs Help!

    The forum was "down" for the last few days (it said "Database error") and I was afraid it was down for good. I'm glad to see that it's back up now -- and hope it stays up. I enjoy this place. :)
  16. Hunter

    Neck turning difficulty

    Can you help me understand how the I.D. of any portion of the neck is different than that of another portion, when both were expanded by by the same expander?
  17. Hunter

    Brass Resizing Question

    But, my measurements are taken long after, I suspect, any spring back would have happened (not that I know how long that takes). Maybe so, but I'm still puzzled that the measurements shown in post # 4 above allow for such differences in closing the bolt. OAL (base to neck) are pretty much...
  18. Hunter

    Brass Resizing Question

    Here's the deal -- I often get different measurements when measuring the distance from the bottom of the case to the top of the Harrell's "collar," maybe there's some "slop" in the way I hold the case? Nevertheless, here are some measurements: Distance from bottom to top of collar: Easy close -...
  19. Hunter

    Brass Resizing Question

    Using the same Harrell's die to resize various pieces of Lapua 6PPC brass (none of which are new, but no neck splits), some pieces chamber (without the bullet) very easily; others chamber rather stiffly -- in the same chamber. I asked someone at Harrell's and he didn't know what causes that...