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    Seymour stool shooter 6-5-2021 10 shot unlimited results

    Results for Saturday unlimited 10 shots.
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    Hoehn Windage Top

    Bag for Hoehn Top Thanks Dan. Looks like you're in business. The leather bag is brand new. never been filled with sand. The Cordura bag was on my Hoehn top twenty years ago. Sold the Top. I have no use for either one.You are welcome to both, free of charge. Glenn
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    Hoehn Windage Top

    Hoehn Top Can you post a picture of the top? i think I might have something that would work. I have a cordura bag and a leather bag. Been so long now,dont remember what the Hoehn looked like. Glenn
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    Bluebonnet Second Day sndFinal Results

    Blue bonnet Excellent observations Mike. I wasn’t there,but I heard about all the fun and frustration. Its also rewarding, to the Sport, that Two of Kyle;s shooting buddy’s, from the DFW area, with about three years experience,finished in the top ten in the two gun. Second and fifth in Sporter...
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    Shooting glasses?

    Shooting Glasses I found an Optometrist,15 years ago, who was an avid Shot Gun Sports Competitor. He knew a lot about lens choices, Vision corrective positioning in lens, and overall shooting glasses safety. I had him do a set of polycarbonate lens for my Decot frames. It may be of benefit to...
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    Rcbs "CHARGEMASTER 1500"

    Power source for RCBS 'Chargemaster" used this one for a very long time. Its 4X5 inches and has a built in 110V converter that works with the power cord that comes with the Chargemaster. This product has been around awhile. I use it to power lighting in my Deer Stand. Its expensive...
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    Oklahoma State 3 & 4 Gun Leg#1 Glenn
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    6 PPC from 220 Russian Lapua

    Spotting scopes If you’re convinced that looking at a target,through a spotting scope,that’s positioned behind the line,is being used,in some instances, to cheat,that is to give the competitor an advantage, Why not put it on an agenda item for review by the BOD,at the next national NBRSA...
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    Adjusting tracking

    I have a Jay Young Rail. When I saw your post, I thought about calling Jay Young(541-847-5654). Just a suggestion. Glenn
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    In other news

    Three legs are better than two. Glenn
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    In other news

    You're suppose to sniff it:D Glenn
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    Tomball Gun Club Revamping Range.

    Benches Post#14. From what I heard today, we'll have at least 20 benches for 100 and 200 yard shooting -- maybe a couple more. Some are curious if this new project will also include new benches? Glenn
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    Tomball Gun Club Revamping Range.

    Tomball One of the toughest ranges in the region to shoot,gets a face lift:) I wonder if the new construction will change the reputation. Any improvements to an existing facility is an investment in the sport. Great news Jackie. Glenn
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    C'mon Man!

    I've heard it said, When Gerbils die, the thrill for the owner is gone.:D I heard that somewhere. Glenn
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    Starting in Benchrest

    Getting started in Benchrest? Getting started in Benchrest,just for the fun? This book by Benchrest Shooter,Mike Ratigan, will lead to a life long addiction to...
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    Transporting a rail

    Scott, imagine how much innovation it takes to figure out how to transport a two piece Rail gun, when you don't have custom made boxes. All the credit(innovation) goes to the designers of extended cab pickup trucks.:D There is a lot of room in that rear seat floor area. I’ll show you at the next...
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    Arkansas State Sunday results

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    Arkansas State Saturday results

    It was a nice 76 degrees at the start of the match Saturday morning. Light switchy conditions made it challenging. Glenn
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    Negative! Great news Jackie. This may or may not be helpful concerning the tests. I submitted a sample for testing on July 12. Got the results back from curative yesterday. This is their verbatim response,FWIW. "This is an automatic notification about your recent COVID-19 test result from...
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    BANG... oops you're dead

    Bang, oops you're dead Tim, IMO, Gun safety is an individual responsibility. Always has been, always will be. Kinda reminds me of the old Smokey the Bear Ad. “Only you can prevent forest fires” Would Mandatory,pre-ownership, gun safety instructions, prevent the political fallout from...