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  1. P

    barrel contour

    I would like advice on barrel contour a remington long action pillar bedded will support if barrel is free floated chambered for magnum catridge with a barrel length of 28 inches. Will this setup support a rem sendero contour with excellent accuracy?
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    jerry sharrett

    Can you give me contact info bud mundy
  3. P

    Skip Otto form dies

    bud mundy contact info can I get contact info for Bud Mundy
  4. P

    Skip Otto form dies

    I had a fire that destoryed all loading equip. I had a die body and set of bushings from Skip Otto to push back shoulder on br case. Wondering if anyone has info on how to obtain another set. thanks
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    jim peightal

    anyone got contact info same for Ernest , pa
  6. P

    prometheus powder measure

    Does anyone know appprox cost of the prometheus powder measure balance made by brand cole ? I lost mine in a fire and need for insurance purposes. thanks
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    juenke internal concentricity checker

    anybody know how much they cost? i just lost mine in fire and need info for the lovely insurance company thanks if you can help
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    contact info for gunsmith Bill Myers, James Messer

    If anyone has above info would appreciate. thanks
  9. P

    17 mach 2

    Does anyone know an exterme accuracy gunsmith with experience dealing with 17 mach 2 ?