Search results

  1. J

    Kelbly semi inlet?

    Here is a picture of Kelbly stock, inletting done in making of the stock. This is how Tom wants to receive stock so he can use for right or left hand and right or left port. For a Kelbly action we can do 90% of inletting when making the stock. Current delivery on a stock is 2 months. Jim
  2. J

    220 russion cases

    Lapua did not make 220 Russian brass till 1992 the first year it was manufactured by Lapua. The original Lapua brass made in 1992 was 100 times superior to the brass they currently make today. Sako made the original 220 Russian back in the 1960's for the Russian Olympic team, hence the name 220...
  3. J

    Save The Date... 2018 N.B.R.S.A. Eastern Region Annual Meeting - Sat. November 3rd

    Yes Jack does a good job as Director, but the Eastern Region has always held a annual meeting every year that I can remember. It is what every region should do and be required to do. It is a requirement in the Eastern Region to have this meeting and it works great for setting match schedules and...
  4. J

    Top lever safety on a stolle panda??

    We cut in top safeties numerous times a year, give us a call and we can set up cutting the action for top safety. As far as Jerry's comment about no one here to do the top safety, who do you think taught Tom and Greg to do these jobs? Jim
  5. J

    Hart barrel codes

    Rick, The X2312 is the barrel serial number. The 6 is the bore diameter of 6mm and the twist should be written on side of barrel in permanent marker. Thats how Hart has done it for many years. Jim
  6. J

    Al Blackwell

    After a long battle with cancer Al Blackwell passed away this morning at home. Long time BR shooter who only shot the Super Shoot in his last years. Jim
  7. J

    2018 Super Shoot Results

    Tony Boyer filled out his equipment list here at Super Shoot, just as he does every year, Tony did not list a barrel manufacturer and just had question marks as we put in the list. There is a barrel manufacturer that has asked to be no part of Super Shoot and because of his request we no...
  8. J

    SEB Rests - 2018 ASSA F-Class Smallbore Championship Sponsor

    ASSA I have contacted the Cardinal Center several times to see about setting up a display for your F Class Championship and have received no reply. Can you help? If so contact me at Thank you Jim
  9. J

    Super Shoot 2018 Update

    Jim - good luck with your eye and hope to see you here in future or on the trail Lew - Kelbly's has held the Super Shoot since 1976 and the third generation wants nothing to do with running this match and my generation is tired of running the match. It takes literally six months of part time...
  10. J

    Super Shoot 2018 Update

    With less than a month till Super Shoot, I want to remind those that would like to rent a golf cart, to call and reserve one this week. Cost for carts is usually around 250.00 for 9 days of use. Also anyone not signed up, let us know as soon as you can. Attendance is about same as last year...
  11. J

    Johanna Gordon

    We were so privileged to have known Johanna. She was a very good friend and a true lady. Our deepest sympathies to Skip and family. George and Karen Kelbly
  12. J

    Johanna Gordon

    It is with sad heart I must inform you That Johanna Gordon has passed away. Many of you will not know Johanna, she was wife of Skip Gordon one of the founding fathers of the Firearms Industry Super Shoot. Johanna was very instrumental in the management of the first 15 Super Shoots and she will...
  13. J

    Action Wrench

    I would NEVER recommend a port wrench, we have seen too many actions damaged by port wrenches. A good rear entry wrench with a good barrel vise will save you money not spent repairing burrs and scratches caused by inferior products Jim
  14. J

    World Benchrest match 2019 web page

    Tony, Like to wish you good luck on 2019 Championships and to thank you for stepping in for Italy on short notice. Jim
  15. J

    WBC14 - Heavy 200, Heavy grand and 2gun results

    Wayne became second person to win both 100 yard aggs at WBC, the other person to do this, also had a bad third day and ended up second in the 2 gun individual award just as Wayne did, my father George Kelbly Sr. (Finland 1993). Wayne had a great year shooting again. Congrats Wayne. Jim
  16. J

    WBC14 - Heavy 200, Heavy grand and 2gun results

    Congratulations to the Australian team, that is quite a feat to beat the Americans for the second time. Also to Mike Conry for winning the individual 2 gun award. Congratulations to all medal winners and we wish everyone a safe trip home. Jim
  17. J

    New Guy from SW PA

    Jimmy, As close as you are to Super Shoot, you should come and shoot next year's match here at Kelbly's. I have had many a new shooter tell me that they learned more in four days at Super Shoot then several years of local shooting before they came to Super Shoot. You will have many of the top...
  18. J

    2018 Super Shoot New format and entry form

    Comfort Inn in Wadsworth has again gave a great rate for Super Shoot. Jim All your attendees have to do is call the hotel directly (330-336-7692) and ask to book a room with the super shoot. Feel free to call/email if you have any questions
  19. J

    help with scope moving....

    On the Kelbly scope rings we recommend 15 - 25 inch pounds on top of ring that holds scope on. 40 inch pounds on bases screws. If you had your scope tighten to 10 inch pounds, yes the extra 5 to 15 inch pounds makes big difference. Double rings will do you no good if you only tighten to 10 inch...