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  1. B J Atkinson

    A notable happening at the IBS Nationals

    At one time, the Remington agent was based here in Adelaide (capital of South Australia), and they imported both the 224 and 6mm versions. At the time they cost about twice as much as Sierra's, and were not a big seller. When I bought my first true benchrest rifle back in 1976 (a DGA .222 Shilen...
  2. B J Atkinson

    A notable happening at the IBS Nationals

    Amen to that. I still have about seven packets of the .224's and a couple of packets of the 6mm 68's - no, they are not for sale. I might even use them one day. Brendan Atkinson
  3. B J Atkinson

    Statistical Analysis of Bench Number Versus Finishing Position

    This sounds like a good example of why we have bench rotation. On our range it was thought that bench 20 was the place to be as it was close to a wall. Some shooters started arriving earlier each shoot so that they could claim this bench. It was quite funny to watch.
  4. B J Atkinson

    New NBRSA Rule, Please Read

    On what you have said, the firing line was perhaps not the best place to hold the meeting. We have had similar 'distractions' at our annual meetings, so you are not alone in that respect.
  5. B J Atkinson

    Barrel dimensions

    So, if you were building a rifle in a class with a maximum weight of 14 pounds, would it not make more sense to use a barrel of 1.25 diameter, as weight is of no real consequence? On the subject of barrels, Lilja seem to be the barrel of choice in rimfire circles. I actually have one if these...
  6. B J Atkinson

    Barrel dimensions

    Thanks J-L, I appreciate your input. Cheers Brendan
  7. B J Atkinson

    Barrel dimensions I detect some suspicion here? In actual fact I did do a lot of rimfire shooting in the past, when the old traditional rules applied. I think I still hold a National record in that class. Anyway, it was just a simple question. The people that I was speaking with are not only centrefire...
  8. B J Atkinson

    Barrel dimensions

    At the recent World Benchrest Championships in South Africa, I was interested to hear various ideas on the 'correct' length for a rimfire benchrest barrel. Also, the ideal thickness. We were talking about a heavy rimfire with an all up weight of around 14 pounds. Without giving away the ideas...
  9. B J Atkinson

    Primer didn't fire

    One of our shooters down here was using a late batch of 205M's and had several of them fail to fire the round. Removing the primer showed that the priming compound appeared to be intact (not burnt), and the firing pin had put a decent dent in it. Someone placed these primers on a concrete...
  10. B J Atkinson

    WBC10 and Powder

    Having been to a few WBC's as a member of the Australian Team, I have found that tuning up one's rifle with the available powder is all part of the fun and enjoyment of the event. One of our team members for the upcoming WBC has been working in South Africa for the past year, and has assured us...
  11. B J Atkinson

    bad primers--etched bolt face(picture)

    GW....We had a bad batch of Federal 205M's down here in the Colonies back in the late seventies. They managed to burn rings on lots of bolt faces. It doesn't alter the way a gun shoots, and is not a safety issue, but it sure looks unsightly. Some folks got their bolts fixed and were refunded...
  12. B J Atkinson

    Worlds Third Largest Airforce

    When I was in Phoenix for the 1997 WBC, a bunch of us drove down to Tombstone for a look. I seem to remember that there was a whole lot of what appears to be 747's painted white and parked out in the middle of nowhere just to other side of Tucson. I guess in that very dry desert heat, that not...
  13. B J Atkinson

    We are diminished

    Many of you that have attended World Benchrest Titles over the years would have come into contact with Alan Peake. Alan was one of Australia's leading benchrest shooters (#11 in the Australian HOF), and was the guy who perfected (at the time) a computer scoring system for benchrest in this...
  14. B J Atkinson

    Remington 40-X Bore Cleaner

    So I take it that it is the old Gold medallion or Rem Clean under a different label. I used some of both, and they did an OK job on stubborn fouling.
  15. B J Atkinson

    Rifle blowup, wrong ammo,

    We had the same thing happen at our main range many years ago - a factory 308 fired in a 25/06. The bullet almost made it to the muzzle, but the action was wrecked - we kept the remains in our canteen on display to show people what can happen. The shooter received cuts and a very bad flinch...
  16. B J Atkinson

    Is this proven by SNOPES?

    I'm afraid that my BS Alarm went off when I read that post.
  17. B J Atkinson

    Merry Xmas from down under

    Merry Xmas to all and a safe festive season. No white Xmas down here in South Australia - it's +30 degrees C today and hotter tomorrow. Hope to catch up with some of you in South Africa. Cheers Brendan Atkinson
  18. B J Atkinson

    WBC10 South Africa 2009

    I can agree with that sentiment Tim. Remember Brisbane in 1995? Stinking hot, 90% humidity - I thought the Finns were going to melt. 2001 in New Zealand was cool and rainy. What the hell, I'll take a cooler shoot anytime before a hot one. Cheers Brendan Atkinson
  19. B J Atkinson

    Nostalgia question--mid '80's, 6PPC, and 322

    G'day Don, The 'problem' with GI322 was first discovered in this country by one of our local shooters here in Adelaide, when he left some in his powder thrower for a couple of days by accident. It went all goo-ey, and then a week later he had a can ignite in his shed. As a result, this powder...
  20. B J Atkinson

    Anyone got a recipy for mixing powder?

    Seriously Bob, with the vast array of powders and burning rates that are available (even down here in the Colonies), why would you even want to mix powders?