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  1. Bill Collaros

    Check this out

    Hi Wayne, in WRABF Rules one piece rests are not allowed mate...the different tuners are more than likely local adaptions as for some countries it is hard to get the US gear..
  2. Bill Collaros

    Check this out

    BEST VIDEO ON RFBR Shooting I have seen anywhere via our WRABF friends in Ireland
  3. Bill Collaros

    Follow the BIG World Event

    Website to follow the ERABSF Euro Champs and WRABF World Cup, Impressive numbers, good luck to all.
  4. Bill Collaros

    Gotta love the Ausies....

    Gday Ian, yes and yes though the 1st yes is sort of there are other countries far worse re what they can have and cant shoot and the 2nd yes is also sort of i agree that 98% of shootings are from bad apples and no law can fix that..anyway back to the thread thought it the song is hilarious....
  5. Bill Collaros

    Gotta love the Ausies....

    Dusty one of my favourite quotes from this years WRABF World Champiinships in Brisbane came from an American Doug Miller " Man i used to think i lived in the best place on earth, after coming to Australia i realised you do"
  6. Bill Collaros

    Gotta love the Ausies....

    Probably does not across come correct on a forum post i did not mean any insult from it, so apologies for that just trying to answer the question.
  7. Bill Collaros

    Gotta love the Ausies....

    G'day It is not as bad as the media make it out to be, we can have most guns but you need to be licensed and the guns registered and locked away unless being used, what we can not do is have semi auto pump action type guns and we can not carry them around like you guys. The reality our laws are...
  8. Bill Collaros

    Gotta love the Ausies....

    Yep We Aussies tend to say it like it is, looking from afar it seems The Trumpster over there agrees with our thinking?
  9. Bill Collaros

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Hillbillies Humour Two hillbillies walk into a restaurant. While having a bite to eat, they talk about their moonshine operation. Suddenly, a woman at a nearby table, who is eating a sandwich, begins to cough. After a minute or so, it becomes apparent that she is in real distress. One of the...
  10. Bill Collaros

    Does LV shoot better than HV?

    Imho if there is no or little wind lv is more accurate, in saying that if u shoot lv in hv class and there is wind you will loose.
  11. Bill Collaros

    Team USA wins Gold medal in HV

    Top 3 Gear Individual Medalists Air LV Steyer LG110 Walther 400 Ataman Air HV Fwb P70 Thomas Thomas All JSB pellets
  12. Bill Collaros

    Official hv and rfire agg results

    Official hv and rfire agg results
  13. Bill Collaros

    Official hv and rfire agg results

    Official hv and rfire agg results
  14. Bill Collaros

    Wrabf world championships results final air lv

    Hi Tom yes plenty used Raws there were also Steyers and Ev2s
  15. Bill Collaros

    Official lv world results wrabf

    Open Larger Photo
  16. Bill Collaros

    Official lv world results wrabf

    Official lv world results wrabf
  17. Bill Collaros

    Wrabf International Sporter World Champs Official Results

    Gday Butch being local the Aussies had an opportunity qualify per event. Only 1 person made the team in all events that was Rob Austin. If u look on Air thread Stuart and Annie are there and as mentioned i think they are in few more upcoming events too
  18. Bill Collaros

    Wrabf International Sporter World Champs Official Results

    Wrabf International Sporter World Champs Official Results
  19. Bill Collaros

    New WRABF Committee

    Congratulations to the new WRABF President Nick Nicolaas Johannes Hermanus Schoonwinkel and Secretary Richard Fernandez with a new look Committee, I wish you the best and you will always will have my support and guidance if needed.
  20. Bill Collaros

    Wrabf world championships results final air lv

    The electronic system is True Score from Sth Africa. Photo of Italian Air 2 gun agg winner and his prize a Steyer Challenger Benchrest Rifle