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  1. B

    New .6 rule POLL

    If you really want a point structure then live with what has been ruled on for this year and change it within the system next year. There is no quick fix. If the organization is going to survive, then everyone has to abide by this rule for now. This should be a wake up call for everyone...
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    New .6 rule POLL

    Ok Mike you win, here is something constructive. No relay over 10 shooters. Point structure to revert back to .5 for a relay win and 1.0 for a match win. End of problem and the math is easier. None of this second place BS and you go to the shoot off. Our sport is about supreme accuracy. If...
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    New .6 rule POLL

    Hey Joey, Nice to see you are up from your afternoon nap.
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    New .6 rule POLL

    Hi James, I understand the difference. I just picked the jacket because it was tangible and easily understood as a prize to shoot for. The middle of the Winter is so much fun on the internet.
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    New .6 rule POLL

    Good Afternoon Michael, You are absolutely right. It's totally irresponsible of the IBS to only hold it's annual meeting in the East. Obviously the IBS is totally biased against the Western shooters. If I were you and being treated this unfairly by a group of snobbish Eastern Shooters, You...
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    New .6 rule POLL

    Michael, Do you compete at 1,000 yds.? If so, why do you do it? If the current system vexes you personally so much, why doesn't your club IBS representative attend the annual meeting and help straighten everything out? I only ask because your club has joined an established organization with...
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    New .6 rule POLL

    Dear Mike, As always, your postings and responses are argumentative and abrasive. Insignificant? Absolutely, as far as the real reason for competing in the first place. "Testing ones own ability to put all 5 or 10 shots into the smallest group or best score."Fair? Nothing will ever be fair...
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    New .6 rule POLL

    Good Evening Gentlemen, Hey Davey, Carol sends a big Hello!, Just to put a little perspective on this whole discussion, from an old persons point of view. You guys do realize that you are arguing about points that will earn you a $50.00 jacket and bragging rights. Now, to earn enough points...
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    New .6 rule POLL

    Good Evening Gentlemen, Hey Davey, Carol sends a big Hello!, Just to put a little perspective on this whole discussion, from an old persons point of view. You guys do realize that you are arguing about points that will earn you a $50.00 jacket and bragging rights. Now, to earn enough points...
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    New Sinclair Bipod

    Monte, Maybe you can help CADDIE5 with his question. I don't shoot a bi pod in competition, I only kill things with mine.
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    New Sinclair Bipod

    Monte, In regards to those laser cut marks on the bow. I just got off the phone with a company that uses that technique instead of water jetting. The guy told me that is the finish they also get. If their customers want a smoother finish then they have to finish machine them out. I think...
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    New Sinclair Bipod

    Monte, I forgot to ask, How do you like yours? Your an F-TR guy. Is it a stable platform? Do you have a favorite, that you would use over this one? Bob
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    New Sinclair Bipod

    Hey Monte, Happy New Years! The "Art" I mentioned was in regards to fit and function, not the finish on the metal arch. They are laser cut and yes the machine could have gone slower. If you an I were finishing them it would be a different story but then they would cost more. I didn't want...
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    New Sinclair Bipod

    Hi Dave, I've got one and it's a piece of art. It's lighter than anything out there. Very stable and very easy to install on any rifle. I installed it on my .375 hunting rifle in less than 30 seconds by using the sling swivel knob. It can also be attached using an Anshutz rail. I really...
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    A real Gentleman has left the range

    A real Gentleman and member of the Iowa Benchrest Club has past away. Chis Mc Clees has left the range and will be sorely missed. Chris was always there when you needed him and a very funny guy. Rest My Friend.
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    What is the purpose of an F class stock?

    REA, The term F Class Stock came about after F Class started to become popular and someone wanted to sell another line of stocks. They beefed some stocks up to add weight. They added adjustable cheek pieces. I know of very few people who shoot F Class without a rear bag. Even F-TR uses a...
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    Left the Range

    An icon at the Williamsport 1,000 yd. benchrest club past away last night. Sarah Morgan will be missed by all. Sarah always had a smile to greet new shooters. She was a great ambassador for the sport and a damn fine shooter. God Bless You Sarah.
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    White horse Nationals

    Congratulations Todd!!!!!! Practicing on those mosquitoes at Harris really paid off. Well Done.
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    Viper & Friends

    Save the Brasso Vern. I clear coated the brass. Thank You for the kind words.
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    Viper & Friends

    Good Morning Gunny, The excitement in your voice last night was all the thanks I need. It was worth every second I spent crafting your rest. Hopefully, one day, we will shoot a match together. God Bless My Friend.