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  1. M

    Favorite Bullet Seating Depth tool?

    Well it seems like it should be taken to the actual boltface, & the muzzle provides the only access. Now if someone made a modified HS gage(GO gage) that would allow bullet holding/adjusting, this would be taken to the boltface(from shoulder) provided the gage was specifically for that chamber...
  2. M

    Favorite Bullet Seating Depth tool?

    I use an 'R-P tool' which is a purpose built cleaning rod really(with flat end & stops). Works very well. In this thread WOODS talks about it with pics: This takes the measurement to the boltface, which makes sense. Then I make the...
  3. M

    Small flasholes in 6.5x 47

    What about seating depths Bob? Did you re-test them?
  4. M

    Small flasholes in 6.5x 47

    Hell FL sizing leaves more H20 capacity variance that that.. It is not enough volume change to result in >1.5moa shift. Nor is it a significant neck tension change.. Now off the lands to first contact with lands, can significantly change pressure. That could maybe do it. But that's not what Bob...
  5. M

    Small flasholes in 6.5x 47

    What dots are connecting between seating results and primers & flasholes?
  6. M

    BC numbers before and after

    Did your test indicate BC consistency from stage to stage? That is; Did nose trimming improve/hurt BC consistency? Did pointing alone improve/hurt BC consistency? And the combination, or doing neither?
  7. M

    Small flasholes in 6.5x 47

    And .07gr H20 capacity results in a velocity change(2fps) that is compensated for with .03gr H4350 in a 6.5x47L. This, with QuickLoad
  8. M

    Small flasholes in 6.5x 47

    We should consider that there is more to seating depth adjustments than currently understood. The truth passes all tests. And yet, every notion out there about seating depth fails tests. Actually, with this cartridge, every 10thou seating adjustment(which is a lot) corresponds to about .07gr of...
  9. M

    Need To Find An IBS Rule

    Take it from a spectator -this is sad! The only thing I could dig up is Williamsport's holding as a rule: 47.0 Rifles having a magazine shall be loaded and fired single shot only. No auto loading rifles are permitted. But they also mentioned 'Auto Loading' weapons in a seemingly different...
  10. M

    BAT Combo bolt face??

    I ran into this once with an SV and Bruce provided me with a few extractors of varying thickness. With this I trial & error'd to resolution(one of em worked perfect). I also ran into this with an RS action when a gunsmith somehow put a wrong spring under it's extractor. Bruce called that problem...
  11. M

    Does the neck thickness get thinner as the brass is weared?

    Well, I did forget lubing a chamber or case before firing.. I don't.
  12. M

    March scopes

    It could 'seem' anyway you want, given the basis of -not hearing otherwise.. Optical performance has been so touted about March scopes right from the git-go. So it would 'seem' so,, until this thread. But if they do no more than hold POA, that is still progress.
  13. M

    Does the neck thickness get thinner as the brass is weared?

    XBBR is right. But even with zero HS, cases still grow -only because you FL size. That's where you move brass. I don't FL size & I never have, or will have to trim, beyond initial preps.
  14. M

    Does the neck thickness get thinner as the brass is weared?

    No, No While cases can stretch on firing -due to excess headspace or low shoulder angles/high body taper, any significant body sizing contributes to brass movement thick toward thin. A lot of FL sizing will lengthen brass, causing a need for trimming, even with no headspace. This lengthening, is...
  15. M

    Does the neck thickness get thinner as the brass is weared?

    Bottm line, it's 2tenths of a thou shift.. At this scale, he may need to accelerate necks through a Hadron Collider to measure the 'Dark Matter' within them.. I mean, ya know it's there!
  16. M

    To Moly or not to Moly

    Ok Boyd - I clean my guns with them hanging off a step ladder, barrel pointed down, and I don't hold back on cleaning a bit. - Then I dry the bore out with a washing(literally) of the best alcohol I can get my hands on. Right now, it's anhydrous 'Pure Ethanol'. I use a clean mop for this, short...
  17. M

    To Moly or not to Moly

    Loads drop in velocity with moly coated bullets because of latent heat that is absorbed by it's vaporization. This drops heat/expansion, and so it does also improve barrel life a bit. While there is reduced bore friction in moly coated bullet travel, this in itself does not affect peak pressure...
  18. M

    Does the neck thickness get thinner as the brass is weared?

    When you say 3 different places, is that circumference, or distances from mouths? Do you stop the mic at a standard depth, that is the same as earlier measurements? Given that your cases are sized to the point of trimming requirement, your necks should be getting thicker with a taper to...
  19. M

    Does the neck thickness get thinner as the brass is weared?

    Hovis supplied a good answer. How EXACTLY are you measuring your neck thickness?
  20. M

    sure enough, shoulder moves forward.....

    I agree with you completely Boyd. And everything you just said supports my contentions. You CHOOSE to run extreme pressures -for accuracy. You CHOOSE to oversize cases -for ease of bolt turn. And you CHOOSE to FL size -because it's the only way you can run with the first two choices. If it...