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  1. N

    Setting up the Forster Bench Rest Ultra Micrometer Seater Die

    Hello, y'all, I have a brand new Forster BR seater die. The instructions direct that: 'With the press ram and shell holder at their highest points, screw the die in the press until the bottom of the sliding Die Chamber touches the shell holder. Continue screwing the die clockwise until you...
  2. N

    Vern juenke machine

    I wonder how the reconstruction is going. I see the peanut galleries are in full swing...
  3. N

    Vern juenke machine

    Vern had a list of buyers on his long defunct website by way of advertising his success. it included a number of bullet manufactorers...
  4. N

    Vern juenke machine

    Maybe so. But it works for me and that is all I require.
  5. N

    Vern juenke machine

    This has been a fascinating thread to read. I bought my Juenke comparator somewhere around nine or ten years ago. I would suspect it might have been close to the last of the production. I use it to separate anomalous bullets from the crowd AND group bullets by where they register baseline on...