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    Camp Maria Yelm WA. USARB September 8th, 2018 Match Report

    Matt thank you. Matt, I want to say thank you for all the help you and the rest of our group have been doing all season to make our matches work. I just couldn't do it with out all of the crew's help, and Matt thank you for your kind words. Dave
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    Connecticut Airgunners First Outdoor Benchrest Match

    Congrartulation on a successful match chks, Congratulation on your club's first USARB match. Nice turn out of competitors and some great scores for your first club match. Dave Zinski
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    Camp Maria Yelm WA. USARB September 8th, 2018 Match Report

    Camp Maria Yelm WA. USARB September 8, 2018 Match Report The winds at Camp Maria today were hitting, blowing and cutting the range to pieces. Maria lied to the wind flags that had been placed out by the competitor's so much so that if you shot to bank off the west wind it should have been...
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    Camp Maria Yelm WA. USARB Match Report for 8/11/2018

    Camp Maria's USARB Match August 11, 2018 Saturday's match found a day that was hot and very windy. It was hard if not imposable at times to weave a shot through the dragon tail snipping, popping hot winds. Jim Benson found the route to the X 24 times on the first match of the day and 21 times...
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    Camp Maria Yelm WA. USARB 7/18/2018 Match Report

    Camp Maria Match Report USARB Wednesday 7/18/20 | Note from the match director of the winds, trails and roads that lead to Camp Maria Range's area located on the Yelm prairie. The fallowing was copied from the early history of Yelm: "The shimmering, fertile prairie stretched and rolled as far...
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    Camp Maria Yelm WA. USARB 7/14/2018 Match Report

    Saturday July 14th I again found everyone helping set up before the match and again after it helping to put everything away. I feel very lucky to be with this group of shooters. I must call out and thank Jim Benson, Ron Price, Matt Spradlin and Ryan Morrisette for all your time and help...
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    Camp Maria Yelm WA. USARB June 20th 2018 Match Report

    Joe, I second that congratulations to Ron on his second record score with a spring rifle. About my scoring I would have to give credit to my USARB target scoring mentor/teacher Jim Benson. Dave Zinski
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    Camp Maria Yelm WA. USARB June 20th 2018 Match Report

    CAMP MARIA 6/20/2018 Ron Price gave Dave and Jim another lesson in the way of the spring air rifle and in doing so set another verified Spring Piston Record. Ron was in a class of his own on Wednesday June 20th's relay one Spring Piston shoot out. His three target score for relay one was 718...
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    Camp Maria Yelm WA. USARB June 9th 2018 Match Report

    Wind and Weather Azuaro Thanks, we really do have a group of good shooters here. I find that spotting for others much easier then spotting for myself. In USARB I am spotting for myself. Here at Camp Maria the wind pattern changes much faster and more often then most ranges in the Puget...
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    Camp Maria Yelm WA. USARB June 9th 2018 Match Report

    On June 9th 2018 the seven shooters that came to shoot at the match at Camp Maria found out first hand why I named the range Camp Maria! It sits west of Mt. Rainier and the base of the Cascade foothills with the Nisqually river on the north within a few miles. Just to the south lies the...
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    Camp Maria Yelm WA. USARB May 16th 2018 Match Report/New Record Score by Ron Priice

    Congratulation to Ron Price for his Verified USARB Outdoor Spring Piston Record Score 713-16x shoot on Wednesday May 16th at Camp Maria May 16 2018 was Camp Maria's first Wednesday outdoor relay one spring piston shoot out. We found the morning winds to be very kind to us. Three shooters...
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    Camp Maria Yelm WA. USARB May 12th 2018 Match Report

    New Club/Range Chas, Thank you for your kind words. On your new club it's a lot of work I know first hand. I've helped build five public ranges and four private over the pass seventy three years. Dave Zinski
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    Camp Maria Yelm WA. USARB May 12th 2018 Match Report

    Dick thank you Dick, The group I shoot with are all great to shoot a match with. Dave Zinski
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    Camp Maria Yelm WA. USARB May 12th 2018 Match Report

    We are a new USARB sanction range. We shoot outdoor matches on a private range at 25 meters. Three classes are shoot, LV, HV and Spring Piston on our six lanes. We hold our matches twice a month, one week end and one Wednesday, with two relays per match. Wednesday's first relay is spring...