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  • G
    Kent : Tonight I successfully removed the pins from my other Anschutz 1813 -54 action and my Anschutz 54 match. At first they were a little hard to get the pins to move but came out very easy once I got them to move. I have an Anschutz repair center that will remove the two barrels for $40.00 each. I got lucky huh! All that will be left to do is thread both actions install new barrels and cut extractor grooves. Eric.
    Kent : How did your shoot go Saturday. Jim Jones called me about Pal oil and I am working on sending him some. Thanks for giving him my contact information. I have to work this coming saturday. Eric garrison
    No problem with your post on the forum. I understood what you were saying. There is a Newbie for Ga that tends to run off at the mouth without knowing what's going on. He's a great guy, but speaks before he has the facts. It's my understanding that only three of us have ever shoot 250 sporter scores there. It was my first that I've shot in comp (that was in last years Crawfish). I shot a sack just practicing, but only that one in comp, go figure.
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