Scope recommendations


New member
Just picked up an older 40XBR in .222 Rem and looking for scope suggestions. I will be mostly shooting targets at 100-200yds and might try my hand at BR.
Sightron S-III Competition 45x45 ED ............Lance, over on AC will give you the best price if you want to buy new.

If your budget will allow, buy March

A variable powered scope is nice when the mirage is heavy. I use an old Leupold 36 fixed power on my 1970s Rem 40x in 243 win.
I mostly pick a day with no sun & over cast, zero wind to get a few 1" 5 shot groups @ 300 yards. Most 1.5" to almost 3" when a puff of wind comes along.

No competition for me. Just wanted to see what the old gun could do after getting online in 2000.

Reading the match scores fired with the 6ppc, very interesting.

If you are serious about shooting formal BR, check what your rifle weighs without a scope/mount set up on it. The 10.5 max is what you want with a scope, that allows you to shoot in all 3 varmint classes. Subtact what your rifle weighs without the the scope from 168 oz. The difference is what the scope/mount can weigh and make class LESS one ounce. This all assumes your rifle is the 10.5 version 40XBR that Rem. made, if not you are locked into the 13.5 lb. class max.

Steve Kostanich
club may have its own rules so find out.
buy as much scope as you can PERIOD. MARCH OR NIGHTFORCE. A 12-42 IS FIN FROM NIGHTFORCE but the most popular is the 15-55x. for weight i think march makes a fixed power br scope...or jump in with both feet with a new 10-60x...yes all are more expensive than the rifle.. you might get away with a fixed 36 luepold.
I purchased my Leopold BR 36x 40mm AO (silver) in 1995 with very fine crosshair and a 1/8" dot. If I didn't like it. I would have changed it out a long time ago. Great for grouping, Glass is very clear. I've had zero problem with it. There was a gentleman named Cecil Tucker that use to accurize the Leopold for Point Of Impact. Sadly he's no longer with us. But I've never had a problem. A matter of fact I just got done talking with Leopold about them going through it. Seals are 30 years old. They told me to send it in with the lead time of 6 weeks. No cost to me. And the BR 36x are still popular. I still see them around. And there are three silver and one black on eBay right now. As for mirage. Things do get tricky in Florida at times. But I like to be up close and personal. Good luck!
Dave 50,

You are spot on about the original Leup. 36x scopes. I have 6 of them, and all have been perfect except one. That one simply is not crystal clear, and has been back to Leup. twice with no improvement. Two of them are the original friction focusing system on the very first version of the scope. Bought those new around 1980 and paid $175.00 for them. One of the 36 BR-d models has the Tucker conversion. In todays market, a good used one will go for $400+/-.

Steve Kostanich
Dave 50,

You are spot on about the original Leup. 36x scopes. I have 6 of them, and all have been perfect except one. That one simply is not crystal clear, and has been back to Leup. twice with no improvement. Two of them are the original friction focusing system on the very first version of the scope. Bought those new around 1980 and paid $175.00 for them. One of the 36 BR-d models has the Tucker conversion. In todays market, a good used one will go for $400+/-.

Steve Kostanich
Have you seen what three individuals are selling their Leupold 36x for on eBay? Holly Smokes.. anywhere from $1400 to $1200. Ten years ago they were $500. BUT then again anything is worth what somebody is willing to pay. Still, I don't think you could go wrong with a 36x
Look at the "Sold" ones; well below $1200.
Thanks Hunter. I've been on eBay for years and I didn't know that you could look back and check what other things sold for. So the average of 13 scopes, one seller posted his scope twice, was $835.. The average would have been lower if one seller didn't sell his for $1400... But the sellers of today are selling for a higher price. What would you do Hunter?
So the average of 13 scopes, one seller posted his scope twice, was $835.. The average would have been lower if one seller didn't sell his for $1400...What would you do Hunter?
Regarding your "average," I suspect you used the asking price on those "or-Best-Offer" scopes, and I don't believe the actual selling price is shown. Regarding the $1400 scope that sold on Dec 28th, that was an "or-Best-Offer" scope, and I doubt that it sold for $1400. Where the actual selling price is shown, the average appears to be much less than $835.

As for what would I do, I wouldn't offer the asking price on any "or-Best-Offer" scope listed.
mine have sold between 450 and 500 in the last year.( when lue came out with the 30mm fix power scopes people sold the 36x's cheap and a bought 4...used them and lately have been selling them. turns out to have been a good investment)
Have you seen what three individuals are selling their Leupold 36x for on eBay? Holly Smokes.. anywhere from $1400 to $1200. Ten years ago they were $500. BUT then again anything is worth what somebody is willing to pay. Still, I don't think you could go wrong with a 36x
Nobody in their right mind would drop that kind of $ for a 36.
the LCS 45’s…an infinitely better option, routinely go for $1000-$1100.
And what about the Sightron SII x36, glass etch reticle ?? vs new T36 or used "old" Leupold x36 ??
When you’re looking at used scopes in the $800 range you should also consider the Sightron Siii Ed glass in 36x or 45x. Very nice glass for that kind of $$ and they are a little easier to obtain used placed like accurate shooter forum. But, they do sell quick as do the Leupold’s…
I bought a new Sightron S3 last year for my 22 PPC and it went back to the factory twice. The crosshairs were out of plumb to where when the turret was leveled the top of the crosshair was between 10 and 11 o'clock position and was getting worse with each shot. It came back in the same condition but didn't move with each shot. They tried to get me to plumb the crosshair with a plumb bob but the turrets would have been leaning. In both cases, they told me the crosshair was in spec! The second time it came back it was still crooked so I called them and was told it was in spec and they had to go thru 5 scope to find this one. Also, the parallax is very sensitive and can be difficult to get tuned in. This was my experience but YMMV. I'll never get another one. I've put a Nightforce on my 6 PPC and may get one for the 22 PPC