Custom 6mm BR bullets ?


I haven’t shot CF BR for around 10-12 years.
Who makes custom 6ppc bullets now days ?
I know Bart’s doesn’t make my favorite 66 gr any more. I mean I guy wants a box of 100 to see what a Rifle may like. I don’t want to buy 500 that the Rifle won’t shoot.
Hottenstein's are always great. Most bullets will shoot with most barrels so it is not a waste, Their is always 1 that shoots a little better with a certain barrel. But you have to know how to tune them to get there.
IMG_1619.jpegOk thanks. Not like years ago. There used to be all kinds of custom bullets out there. I Remember BiBs, Hottenstein. Bart’s. I have some Generic brand. My favorite 66 gr Barts I seen no longer made. I knew about that and was bummed out. I must have been the only guy shooting them. I sure shot a bunch of good targets with them.
Call Bart, Call bullet central, call Bruno's, call around, Berger makes a good bullet. Bergers are in stock at different shops for BR. There are actually more bullet makers than 10 yra ago....
Thanks. I am good for right now.
It was just my search didn’t turn up much, for some reason. I still have a bunch of column bullets. Ah I didn’t love them but shot some decent targets with them. Still have 500 65BT Generic that Gary Conaway made me. Yep they are quite old now. I never shot them. I quit shooting right about that time.
Thanks for the help.
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