Recent content by Vern

  1. Vern

    PPC Brass Life

    100 pieces I started the 2012 season with 100 pieces that quickly turned to 99. But I shot all 99 of those for 6 matches plus one tuning session in 2012 and 4 matches in 2013 so that would be 11 times each. Loads were 133 from 29.5 to 30.3. Could probably shoot them another season, no loose...
  2. Vern

    OH Brother they are at it again

    Yep I remember those days And if you were like me you had a whole collection of them. If you got bored on a winters day you would start at the bottom and start reading them all over again. Hmmm :confused: at least now we know whats wrong with you ;) Just kidding Joe Its just amazing how they...
  3. Vern

    OH Brother they are at it again

    I am watching a news piece on CBS this morning where they are talking about what children are exposed to. Caption is WSJ: Bad facebook ads may expose teens to trouble. The first warning was about a 17 year old who "listed herself" on some dating portion of facebook and could be seen by...
  4. Vern

    For those of us with ringing in our ears...

    I tried it I tried the taurine several years ago. It didnt help me but your mileage may vary.
  5. Vern

    Neck sizing issues

    I have had the same thing. Like abintx said about the bushings. Some have a rounded or beveled are on only one side some (that I have) have it on both ends. HOWEVER if it is only on one end and you have it upside down this will definitely happen. And when I did it my cases looked just like yours.
  6. Vern

    Using Heat to remove a barrel

    Cheater bar on the end of the T??
  7. Vern

    Ladder Test

    Adam for me I start with 1 particular seating dept starting at Jam with a specific powder charge (low). Then I take that depth and increase it by .5 grains for about 3-4 different charges. The last one being at the top of the load window I would use. I do this with 3 shot groups. Then I increase...
  8. Vern

    Ultra ever dry

    Forget the BN and the Moly. Just coat your barrel with this stuff and wipe down your bullets with a little bit of and your good to go...... Neat stuff. However I dont find anything that discusses the durability of the stuff. Only one reference and that was just to say its more durable that...
  9. Vern

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    An atheist was seated next to a little girl on an airplane and he turned to her and said, "Do you want to talk? Flights go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger." The little girl, who had just started to read her book, replied to the total stranger, "What would...
  10. Vern

    Bruno's; As of 4/27.... CCI #400, 450 primers, and other primers in stock......

    Minimum order? Why force someone to buy 3000 of a primer when you only need or want 1K. That certainly affects the supply. Especially those who want more and cant get any. Yea I know if I dont like it go somewhere else. I usually do.
  11. Vern

    Thumbhole stock

    Bill, Glad to see your still around. Was thinking about you the other day. Sorry to hear about your dad. Ill miss him.
  12. Vern

    speaking of "being played like a fiddle".....

    Bombers I find it interesting the hush up of no one knowing the motive for the bombings. Interviews with an uncle who yet claims not to have spoken to the boys in several years became angry when it was suggested that it could have ties to Islam or extremests. The news and enforcement agencies...
  13. Vern

    Load Tuning for temperature

    Keep in mind as you have read anything I have said, I have neither agreed nor disagreed with the air density theory. My personal thoughts have, at least the last year that it is, the humidity and heat issue of affecting powder as it sits at the range, experiencing the climate changes and is then...
  14. Vern

    speaking of "being played like a fiddle".....

    My point was recently proven soooo correct by the knife wielder in the Texas college. If a person does not have or can not get a gun he will use whatever he has at hand to do as much damage as he is capable of. So its not about guns its about idiots, nuts and flakes.
  15. Vern

    Load Tuning for temperature

    Jennings as I read what you are saying "the rate of reaction doubled for each 10 degrees C" this would affect the powder in a case regardless or any other factors? FYI where Gene draws some of his conclusions from is as I remember being a pilot for some decades and effects of altitude density...