Recent content by Sleepy Hollow

  1. S

    Bullet making pics.

    Yes his base.
  2. S

    Bullet making pics.

    Dave, Bart told me he seats core til the jacket grows 0.001 in diameter. So to 243.1 Kenny taught me to seat my jackets til that little frost line appears at the top of the core. Then back off a quarter turn or so. Kenny way seems to work for me. My jackets grow about 0.003. My bullets are 67...
  3. S

    Bullet making pics.

    Every one has a different method of seating cores. Hottenstein and Bart 2 of tue best in the business both seat cores differently. Figure out what works best for you. I don't believe you can over seat a core. If you do it'll pop the jacket. Back off a half a turn and go to seating. Personally...
  4. S

    Bullet making pics.

    Dave on your 6mm jackets how much stretch are you looking for ? I know this varies with jacket lots and lube.
  5. S

    8208 info

    Any of yall shot any of this lot over the years ? I'm told it's St Louis pull down
  6. S

    which rail gun to start with

    Coots the small of that ballistol makes me gag ! Smells like dirty gym socks. Lol See ya at holten my friend
  7. S

    which rail gun to start with

    You'll likely get all kinds of answers as far as torch on your block screws. I've had guys tell me to tighten the piss out of them and other say 40-50 ftlbs. But you need to go in a off set pattern when tighting. Like 1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,10 and keep repeating that process til tight to the the...
  8. S

    neck clearance

    Yep 002-002.5 is about right.
  9. S

    Rail problems

    Thanks Jim. I'll double check all that tomorrow and see if I can figure it out
  10. S

    Rail problems

    Gun tracts beautifully. Problem is when you drop to the sighter it goes about a 1/4"to the left. I checked the scope with a plumb Bob it's as close to perfect as possible. I can figure out why it's doing this
  11. S

    How do I keep the group together?

    I would say your load a tad too warm. Drop your powder and few tenths and see if they come together. Keeping your ppc in tune is an art that few master. What powder ?
  12. S

    2021 East West at Benchrest Rifle Club of St. Louis, MO

    Yes it's being held next weekend. Contacts are the same
  13. S

    arkansas 4 gun

    Congratulations Jim Shipley!