Recent content by pablo

  1. P

    Graham wind flags

    Tunermi, could you bring your flags with you, we have enough. I've asked Larry to put us down for a rotation and he's doing so. Bud has a set, I have one, and Cecil has 10 flags, if you bring yours we're set. Thanks, Paul, could your please call seven one nine, two five one, nineteen fifty...
  2. P

    Graham wind flags

    Is anybody attending the Nats in Holton interested in putting a flag rotation together with Graham Flags? If so how many do you have? Bud and I have 3 sets, looking for 2 more or 12 additional flags. Thanks, Paul
  3. P

    cartridge bullet runout

    Since the Nats last year I've checked 7 presses and rebushed 6. Some of these were made by companies that have a good rep in the BR game, will name no names, some are production presses. The range seems to be from .012 to .035, even if you seat with a Wilson seater it's easy to make crooked...
  4. P

    6BR what twist

    See these kinds of posts fairly often and wonder why you're not building a PPC. Having said that, I would build it with a 13.5 or 14 twist and a .040 or a .045 throat 1.5 degree. Your idea is pretty much old school looking at the whole combination. Might help you to go to the Super Shoot or a...
  5. P

    how can i improve the finish of my bbl threading

    This! is pretty much everything I was taught by a retired aerospace machinist that taught a class I attended a few years back. It's the way I thread V threads usina a variety of inserts. For going slow with SS barrels I use the Arthur Warner HSS threading tool with a positive rake insert...
  6. P

    equipment list from the nationals ??

    Was their 24 Bartlein's? Just in the interest of being factual?
  7. P

    Primers vs Primers

    Been told that Federal inspects match primers to make sure they all have an anvil in them, the standard primers go uninspected for this. Believe it too, can't tell any difference between standard and match in how they shoot. Haven't ever seen one missing the anvil.
  8. P

    Transporting a rail

    I have two cumbersome alluminum boxes that are too heavy. So I don't take them out of the car, just slide them to the back, take the top and base out and put on the cart. Not sure how long the back is going to hold up.
  9. P

    When to Change Brass?

    Looks like an out of tune combo for sure, or bad bullets, brass, barrel etc.. When I'm in that place I try to look at what I know, eg. is it a good barrel? are the bullets good? is it a known good load given environmental factors? Recently shot a match in Kansas, started out with some new...
  10. P

    Charlene's Meadow 100-200-300 results

    Charlene's Meadow is 12 miles due south of the thriving metropolis of Mullenville, Kansas.
  11. P

    Charlene's Meadow 100-200-300 results

    Richard, wanted to second Mike's comments. It is a beautiful range that is fun to shoot under the lights. Thanks for putting this match on, can't wait to go back!
  12. P

    Fat 6mm bullets

    Have you tried the big barrel with loads up around 30 to 30.3 of 133. That oftentimes really wakes them up.
  13. P


    Jackie, read an article about a study that indicates they think people with type O blood are more resistant to Covid than people that have other blood types. Do you and your wife have type O positive or negative blood type? Thanks, Paul
  14. P

    Hot Railgun in Tx.

    Was thinking the East West was a LV/HV match, or did I miss the memo?
  15. P

    Hornady 6 ARC

    Kind of funny really, had that reamer for about 4 yrs now.