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  • Dear Sir,

    Mr. Bill Calfee referred to your posts in 2007 regarding a 6:00 firing pin position for an Anschutz 2013 recently on another forum (rimfireaccuracy.com). I have two Suhl 150 benchrest rimfire rifles with custom barrels that I would like to try and convert to the 6:00 firing pin position as Mr. Calfee seems to indicate that it may reduce barrel vibrations significantly. It is my understanding that the Suhl and Anschutz are similar in construction hence my desire to contact you.

    I see where you made the conversion with three pieces. Is this information available or being manufactured by someone where I could purchase the pieces or have someone machine them for me? I am interested to see if it can be done for the rifles I have. Thank you for your consideration.


    Steve Perkins
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