New profile posts

Hi Jeff, I am wanting to know if we could possibly hold IBS matches at our Cool Springs Sporting Camp, A friend and I have a range that we have 600yd shoots on now, with up to1250yds available to shoot long range. We are building pits for the targets. Is there any problem with this? Shooters will have to pull pit duty, like Williamsport. How many benches would be needed to be considered? I appreciate any help with this...

Joe 912-728-3469 Home#
Hey, Mike
all this gas gun talk has me thinking about buying up some tools and reference to work on my AR, will a stock AR feed a 223 Improved 40 degree and function with no other modification other than reaming the chamber. I'm thinking about trying it.
Jay Cutright
Tony , I have a question please . How much of Jeff Rogers stuff have you made or been instrumental in it's construction ?
I never seemed to get the tension exactly the way I wanted it. Seems easier w my farley. Some like the sebs better tho.

Have a great new year!!
Merry x-mas! Hey i was wondering if you are using a seb rest? I have one and i am not so sure i like the darn thing. it seems to me that getting that last little bit of adjustment is a pain in the neck. Have you had this experience with yours? any solutions? Thanks Lee
yes that would be interesting. please send me some photos on my email:
best regards,