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Don't doubt what you said but R U sure it's 110v AC? If so did you order it as a option?

hey u folks enjoy?
hiya ian,
i trust you and helen got home safely,
have done much shooting since you got back home.

what rugby if any have you seen, was it a live game or did you see it onyour tv

Kent : How did your shoot go Saturday. Jim Jones called me about Pal oil and I am working on sending him some. Thanks for giving him my contact information. I have to work this coming saturday. Eric garrison
Hey Bob,

Great shoot today.I enjoyed my visit tremendously. I'll be back! Wyatt's email is Mine is

Do you have a Sako PPC for sale. What model?
hey ole man tell duck hes in fer an ass kickin
Hi Bill,
Do you know the complete # and speed of the 6281, I'm going to run an add over on rimfire central looking for some for the National's.

RE: Using 6mm barrell to Fireform 6BR brass for use in a 30BR.

I was told by some shooters that you use a 6mm barrel chambered in 30BR to fireform your 6BR brass for use in a 30 BR.

I requested a gunsmith to use my 30BR reamer to chamber a 6mm barrel this way but he said he didn't think it could be done as the pilot on the reamer is a 30 cal and it wouldn't work.

I would think a 6mm pilot could be adapted to the 30BR reamer, however, as I know nothing about the machining part of this process don't know.

Any info you could provide on this subject will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advacne for your consideration.

Shinny Shinglock, PA.
Hello Butch.
You have been helpful to me before.
I want to thank you again.
This time regarding the choose of stocks.
I asked you if you recomend the Walnut Leonard stock for Hv.

I have bougt two Leonards stocks the last two years.
One Lv Red wood och one Hv Walnut.
Both are great but I think the Walnut is the best.
It´s tracking very good, are stabil and damp the vibration excellent.

I use it with BAT 3L action and a nice Deon March 36-55 - 52 EP zoom scope on top.

It´s a pleasure shooting with it, Wayne Campbell has done a great job again.:)

Jan Ronnlund

Sorry, I did not see your question until now. No I do not know your friends, and I do not recall seeing their names at matches.

Jamey Williams
That picture was alot larger than I thought it would be. Typical Ohio buck Taken in november.
I was wanting to make my way back down to Tomball soon for more of your score shoots. Were they the 1st sunday of every month? I kinda lost track. thanks for your time and see you guys soon.