
100 LV
  1. Jeff Gadios
  2. Steve Theye
  3. LeeHachigian :D
I didn't shoot this afternoon..., wanted to watch the Michigan v. MSU game. I'll be back Sunday for the 200 yrd matches.

100 LV
  1. Jeff Gadios
  2. Steve Theye
  3. LeeHachigian :D
I didn't shoot this afternoon..., wanted to watch the Michigan v. MSU game. I'll be back Sunday for the 200 yrd matches.


Thanks Lee, now we know what you really love.......:D Good shooting @ LV100

Bill must not love you any more Dan.

HV 100yd

Robert Balowski .1932

Steve Theye .2038

Jack Neary .2234

Joe Krupa .2258

Ron Robovitski .2324
Western Wayne County Conservation Association
Last match of the Eastern Region and the weather could not have been better. 70 to 75 degrees in the day time and 50 degrees at night, no rain, just plenty of sunshine. 31 Shooters from Kentucky, Michigan, Indiana, Texas, Ohio, and Canada showed up to have a grand old shoot fest in the fall of the year. The LV 100 got started Saturday morning and these are the results. As this is our last match of the season we wish you all good fortune until we meet in the spring.

LV 100yd
Jeff Gaidos .2096
Steve Theye .2218
Lee Hachigian .2284
Tim Bassham .2310
Jack Neary .2476
In match 4 Tim Bassham shot a .069 screamer and a new range record. Match 5 Fritz Rector shot another screamer that measured .062 and another range record and small group for the LV agg.

The HV 100yd in the afternoon proved to be just as interesting. Here are the results.

HV 100yd Top 5
Robert Balowski .1932
Steve Theye .2038
Jack Neary .2234
Joe Krupa .2258
Ron Robovitski .2324
Small group
Chuck MacCluer .094

HV 200yd Top 5
Jack Neary .2096
Steve Theye .2399
Chuck MacCluer .2612
Joe Krupa .2633
Lee Hachigian .2709
Small Group
Don Rosette .268

HV Grand Agg Top 10
Jack Neary .2165
Steve Theye .2219
Robert Balowski .2431
Joe Krupa .2446
Ron Robovitski .2521
Tim Bassham .2709
Chuck MacCluer .2781
Jeff Gaidos .2793
John Inman .2810
Bill Gammon .2832

LV 200yd Top 5
Vic Potts .2087
Jack Neary .2101
Don Rosette .2543
Ron Robovitski .2652
Tom Majewski .2676
Small Group
Steve Theye .196

LV Grand Agg Top 10
Jack Neary .2289
Vic Potts .2398
Jeff Gaidos .2436
Steve Theye .2610
Tom Majewski .2651
Don Rosette .2672
John Inman .2708
Ted Heindselman .2834
Rob MacLennan .2958
Ron Robovitski .2974

Jack Neary .2227
Steve Theye .2414
Jeff Gaidos .2614
Vic Potts .2744
Ron Robovitski .2747
John Inman .2759
Joe Krupa .2770
Robert Balowski .2802
Ted Heindselman .2878
Tom Majewski .2875
Thank You Mr. Gammon, I hope you stay warm during that long cold winter up there.

Dan Honert