
Bill Gammon

New member
There were 44 shooters at WWCCA this morning for the 100yd stage of LV.
Top Five
Jack Neary .2044
Jeff Gaidos .2250
George Carter .2326
John Inman .2344
Larry Freusse .2414

SG Larry Gaston .140
Saturday Afternoon 100yd HV
Mark Jackson .2144
Vera Carter .2254
George Carter .2282
Lee Hachigian .2308
Bill Symons .2330

SG Ted Heindselman .106

To-morrow the 200yd stage of the HV in the morning and the 200yd LV in the afternoon
Sunday Morning 200yd HV
Bill Gammon .2375
Bill Symons .2517
Lowell Hottenstein .2539
Joe Krupa .2571
Ted Heindselman .2795
SG Joe Krupa .264

HV Grand Agg
Bill Gammon .2363
Bill Symons .2424
Lowell Hottenstein .2438
Joe Krupa .2540
Ted Heindselman .2665
I think we need further corroboration from an impartial observer on those results!

(Good Shooting Bill, much as it pains me to say that :D).

Nice Shooting AH!!!

Bill, did you buy wind flags or what....?

Just ribbing ya.

Bill Gammon Wins the 2-Gun at WWCCA

Bill Gammon Wins the 2-Gun with a .2398 !!!

2nd Place was Bill Symons with a .2468 and Ted Heindselman 3rd with .2588

Conditions were tricky.. strong headwind switching from 10:00 to 2:00.

Great shooting Bill :D
Dang Bill,........Thats a pretty good agg for a 30BR,..........:D:eek:;)
Way to go Bill. Did the customs guys do something to your equipement at the border to make it shoot by itself, EH?:eek::D:cool:

Dan Honert
Congrats, Bill...

... it's been a long time coming. Bill has been known as one of the better heavy varmint shooters in the sport for several years. But, he has been "light challenged" for the last few seasons. He finally got that minor problem turned around and we may expect bigger (or is it smaller?) things from him in the future.

For those of you who don't know the good Mr. Gammon, he has been in competitive benchrest for over 20 years, owns one of the better shooter's protective coverings business in London, Ontario, sponsors the Top Woman Shooter award at the Super Shoot, shot a record .15XX aggregate at HV 100 at the Super Shoot a year or so ago, finished second at the Super Shoot a little while ago, and has been the anchor (and I mean that in the most positive sense) of the Canadian World Team, as well as being an otherwise pretty decent guy.

He also likes to share in a good practical joke every now and then. My favorite Bill story is when he decided one time at Holton to shoot a 6X47 as a "blast from the past". I was shooting next to him. Well, after a couple of targets Bill determined that this cartridge was a bit "challenging" and decided to go back to his 6PPC to finish up the match.

So, Bill comes to the line with a different rifle and discovers immediately after the commence fire command that his replacement rifle didn't have the trigger that he took out the night before to put in his old 6X47. I handed Bill my rifle and he shot his group with the five rounds that I had left over after shooting mine.

Then the next group Bill came to the line with a rifle that had a trigger, but couldn't get on paper. So I handed Bill my rifle and he again shot his group with the five rounds that I had left over after shooting my group.

After this second episode, as we walked away from the firing line I said to Bill that if he really wanted to double up on my rifle with me he should let me know so that I can load enough rounds for both of us next time.

He also signed his picture in my Newick book with the kind words "I can still beat you any time, eh!" There is no better compliment that can be exchanged between mutually respecting competitors.

Bill is a good friend and a good shooter, who works hard at the sport by doing more than just showing up for matches. And he donates a lot of time to the WWCCA benchrest program. This is a much deserved win.

Now watch carefully through your rearview mirror, Bill. Everyone in the Eastern Region is going to be out to beat you this year.

one more small thing

about a world record target in the 200 yard ten shot in 2005, something about losing the taget after everyone signing it at the awards bankquet,

it was eventually found, though

Bill is a bit of a character and even us westerners like him,
.........what a shame :.)

you should see his "sheep" rifle painted by TM, it looks realistic, a portrait of bill himself, going to town with a sheep (so as to speak)
