WWCCA Spring Tun-up

I shot my first sanction Group Match this weekend at WWCCA. What a great bunch of guys! Very helpful. It was the first time I had to reload at the range and I made it to each match in time, I'm too slow yet. Everything went really smooth. I listened to a lot of good advice on different subjects. There were many good shooters from around the region including Canada. The weather was great, good food, and good friends, I hope for along time. The 100yds went better that I expected but to 200 put me in by place. I have a lot to learn yet. Thanks everyone for the great time and help. See Ya on the range. Butch
Glad you had a good time Butch. It was nice meeting you even if you tried to run me over in that big truck. Hope to see you at the next match.

Jeff Aberegg
Well Jeff

Glad you had a good time Butch. It was nice meeting you even if you tried to run me over in that big truck. Hope to see you at the next match.

Jeff Aberegg

I guess you aren't too old yet if you got out of the way. Still got a few moves left.

Yea Jeff, if my aim was just a little better, I could of moved up in standing at least one spot. HaHa! Thanks for the advice.
Dave, I have more moves than a checker board! And whatever Gamman says, about what happened last weekend is a lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeff Aberegg