Would you go to an out of town match at this time??

a window licking pet person

Okay, okay I promise to hire a real window washer but I will never close down Uncle Timmy's Bat World. Tim

Ho-Leee Kowww.........

I think we here in WA just reached one a' them "tipping points!"

We're in the heart of volcano country but the ground rumble tonight is something else entirely.

Our beloved governor Jay Inslee just issued an edict which is IMO his political death warrant.... he actually has used the words "essential worker" in his decree issued at 5:46PM PST. As of Wed the 25th of March The Year Of Our Lord 2020 all drivers on the roads must have papers declaring them to be "essential workers" else they're in violation of the law.....and the police are expected to "enforce it"....... social media is simply frothing with passion. Mothers and sons, men, women and children from across the spectrum are boiling with "let them TRY pull me from my car for going to buy toilet paper!"

I (and all other employers) am instructed to gether my employees tomorrow and pick out the "essential ones".... and issue them signed paperwork to that effect which "they shall carry on their persons at all times" and produce them on demand.

And not lose them under pain of penalty.....

I'm sorry to say, I'm laffing uproariously and the people around me are ready to punch me :)

And of course my BeLoverly Wife Of All Time posted the "essential worker" scene from Schindler's List..... I don't "do facebook" but I know the scene...

So Wilbur, I apologize in advance, I've said too much already. I'll stop.

But to any and all you'se groundpounding WA LEO's out there, I DO support you all the way, but I do not envy you this day!

God Speed



Washington 487 deaths. Wondering how many deaths from the flu in a normal year?????
Oh ya Congress

They should be tarred and feathered and then hung for the pork bill they passed in the name of an epidemic. Low life ba$tards.

They should be tarred and feathered and then hung for the pork bill they passed in the name of an epidemic. Low life ba$tards.


I can't talk about this subject because it triggers the snowflakes but thanks for noticing :)

At least the fact that my wallet is MUCH lighter and will be for the foreseeable future makes them happier in their collective tummies..... so I guess the old saw "every shot makes SOMEBODY happy" is still true.

"God Bless Them Every One"
Your Call...

I too, try to rely on common sense for a lot of things in life. There is NO medicine for this. There is NO vaccine. Old people are susceptible and we, as a group, have a lot of old men. Not a lot of cases yet but increasing daily. Hopefully, the infection curve will flatten out in the next month.

I agree there is an awful lot of hype on this but it IS a contagious virus. Do your own risk/reward analysis. If you go, you may win 1st place, bragging rights and gas money or a blue ribbon/trophy. You may win a trip to the hospitol or worse.

Match directors have a big decision to make here. I'll have to address this in the next week as to whether to have the match in Austin on the 29th. It will prob be only 15 shooters but we're all old bastards in the high risk group. It may be wise to take a month off.

How do you know the guy you just shook hands with didn't get sneezed on by the person in line at the grocery store. I mean, there were only 75 people in line with me at the store.

Steve cancelling the end of month match is your decision. I know you'll make the right one. Sure we can have the match with a few that will show up...but if one of us gets the virus later how will any of us feel? The end of May is not that far away.

Keep well...
There are close to 7,000,000 people in the state of TN. So far in 2020 there have been 101 deaths due to Covid 19 and most of these were people with preexisting health issues. In 2020 there have been 252 traffic deaths on TN highways. This would indicate that in the state of TN one would be more likely to die in a traffic accident traveling to or from a match than contracting cv and dying of it. Yes, this is a dangerous disease, but get some perspective people. This is a dangerous world. Good grief get a grip.

Rick, but the first virus death in TN was on Mar 20th -- only a tad more than three weeks ago. Accordingly, for comparison purposes, that traffic death number of 252 should be reduced by at least 163 (the number of traffic deaths in Jan and Feb), leaving "only" 89 traffic deaths Mar 1 - Apr 12.
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Rick, but the first virus death in TN was on Mar 20th -- only a tad more than three weeks ago.

I suppose your point is that there have been 101 deaths since March 20 which is probably less than the corresponding # of traffic accidents during the same period. However, if you look at the attached link you will see that the increase has fallen significantly. Also, to date there have only been 556 hospitalized in TN. Most of the United States is not New York City. Hand washing and things that we should have been doing always have certainly made a difference, but that is no reason to be terrified of impending death by attending a shooting match. It's fairly easy to do the things that keep the distance that has been advised and avoid handshakes and the like. People continue to visit grocery stores on a regular basis (at least people here do) and they come closer than is necessary at a match. Caution and prudence are one thing, mindless panic is something else.

To not understand the difference between common sense and mindless panic leaves me with one question.
How many years did you spend in 7th grade?
To not get the fundamental principles involved with this thing especially for anybody, say, over 50, at his stage of the game begs the question.
To not understand the difference between common sense and mindless panic leaves me with one question.
How many years did you spend in 7th grade?
To not get the fundamental principles involved with this thing especially for anybody, say, over 50, at his stage of the game begs the question.

You illustrate my point. You can't make a reasonable argument so you resort to insults. I see, right here on this forum considerable panic and not much common sense.

You illustrate my point. You can't make a reasonable argument so you resort to insults. I see, right here on this forum considerable panic and not much common sense.


If you need a reasonable argument above and beyond the nationwide doctors statements and everybody else saying essentially the exact same thing durring the 10,000 broadcasts you're past reasonable arguments there sport.
If you need a reasonable argument above and beyond the nationwide doctors statements and everybody else saying essentially the exact same thing durring the 10,000 broadcasts you're past reasonable arguments there sport.

I see now. Clearly, we don't get our news from the same places, because I see plenty of responsible people saying it's time to begin bringing this to a close. You might try something other than CNN. FWIW- I never said this wasn't serious, but when people are told they aren't allowed to fish (Washington), have their basketball hoops removed from a public park visited by a handful of people (Arkansas), are told they can't assemble inside their cars in a church parking lot (Mississippi& KY), we are a nation governed by incompetents. And some of these fools (Drs) are saying this should go on for another eighteen months. In my state we have shut down and economy of 7,000,000 people and have had a total of 101 deaths to date. As I said earlier, most of the folks weren't in the best of health already and we have that many dying of seasonal flu. Yesterday Vanderbilt University said that if we don't continue this indefinitely we "could" have more than 50,000 hospitalized in our state. AS of today, there have been just over 500 hospitalized in the entire state. How many die in traffic accidents annually in this country? Are we all going to stop driving now as well? If this is the kind of thing you support and advocate then you are correct, we have no foundation for a reasonable conversation.

Never wrestle with a pig..... All you do is end up getting muddy and then realize the pig is actually enjoying it!
There is a MUCH larger elephant in the room ....... but here's the thing with elephants.

(Me Mither read me this when I was but a wee bairn)

John Godfrey Saxe/The Blind Men and the Elephant

IT was six men of Indostan
To learning much inclined,
Who went to see the Elephant
(Though all of them were blind),
That each by observation
Might satisfy his mind.


The First approached the Elephant,
And happening to fall
Against his broad and sturdy side,
At once began to bawl:
"God bless me!—but the Elephant
Is very like a wall!"


The Second, feeling of the tusk,
Cried: "Ho!—what have we here
So very round and smooth and sharp?
To me 't is mighty clear
This wonder of an Elephant
Is very like a spear!"


The Third approached the animal,
And happening to take
The squirming trunk within his hands,
Thus boldly up and spake:

"I see," quoth he, "the Elephant
Is very like a snake!"


The Fourth reached out his eager hand,
And felt about the knee.
"What most this wondrous beast is like
Is mighty plain," quoth he;
"'T is clear enough the Elephant
Is very like a tree!"


The Fifth, who chanced to touch the ear,
Said: "E'en the blindest man
Can tell what this resembles most;
Deny the fact who can,
This marvel of an Elephant
Is very like a fan!"


The Sixth no sooner had begun
About the beast to grope,
Than, seizing on the swinging tail
That fell within his scope,
"I see," quoth he, "the Elephant
Is very like a rope!"


And so these men of Indostan
Disputed loud and long,
Each in his own opinion
Exceeding stiff and strong,
Though each was partly in the right,
And all were in the wrong!


So, oft in theologic wars
The disputants, I ween,
Rail on in utter ignorance
Of what each other mean,
And prate about an Elephant
Not one of them has seen!
Never wrestle with a pig..... All you do is end up getting muddy and then realize the pig is actually enjoying it!

There are politicians, scientists, pundits and experts from BRC- Guess whose ideas
count for the least.
Just start talking about cancelling the Presidential election and see how fast this
goes away.
There are politicians, scientists, pundits and experts from BRC- Guess whose ideas
count for the least.
Just start talking about cancelling the Presidential election and see how fast this
goes away.

Even if it is still hanging around, we could stand in line at the polling place , 6 feet or more apart, just like we are doing at the stores.

It might take a little more effort by all involved, but we can do it.

The most asinine idea is the one being floated that we could all vote by mail or by electronic means such as a voting APP.

Gee, what could go wrong with that.
Even if it is still hanging around, we could stand in line at the polling place , 6 feet or more apart, just like we are doing at the stores.

It might take a little more effort by all involved, but we can do it.

The most asinine idea is the one being floated that we could all vote by mail or by electronic means such as a voting APP.

Gee, what could go wrong with that.

I think just as much could go wrong with those states that have implemented touch screen voting machines with no paper backup. I have read reports about these machines being hacked into and who can trust the companies that created them to not have a backdoor into their machines to change results? Gerrymandering certainly skews results of elections.

Three states have gone 100% mail in voting and 22 others do it on demand with no issues reported.

The government has conducted the national census by mail, I have been filing my state and federal income taxes on-line with an app for the past 15 years or so. I filed for social security and then medicare on line.

Are there some issues with any of the above? Yes. But, systems are being improved every day.

Recent comments by some politicians indicate they favor keeping the “show up in person” style of voting as a form of voter suppression to remain in power. They seem less concerned about the sanctity of the vote then keeping their seat at the table.
WHATEVER WAY your particular state/district/precinct chooses for a method please y'all ............ VOTE!!! :)