Would you go to an out of town match at this time??

Not sure

We just had our group Nationals cancelled here in Australia.
I guess it depends on your personal health and can you keep a safe distance (what ever that is) from other shooters at the match.
You are in the "most at risk" demographic.

Good Luck.
48 hours ago I had a Dr. visit with somebody who is apparently a friend of Dr. Fauci.
His word to me nothing, anywhere, in any venue, with 25-50 people or more would be advisable, if over 60 years old, you are asking for trouble. Take it for what it is worth.
Wait a minute...

48 hours ago I had a Dr. visit with somebody who is apparently a friend of Dr. Fauci.
His word to me nothing, anywhere, in any venue, with 25-50 people or more would be advisable, if over 60 years old, you are asking for trouble. Take it for what it is worth.

With all that gunpowder and bullets flying, we'll shooting that virus right out of the air. Ha...
I’m 73. My age puts me in a high risk group, but I am pretty healthy........for my age.

I don’t want to be flippant about this. One of our major shipyard customers has just cancelled all working in confined areas, such as engine rooms and other cabin areas in vessels.

Tough call.
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Yes. I am going. Car packed and all that stuff.
It's a 60 min drive. Unless, there is traffic.....I have experienced 2 hours getting home....
Someone has to open the gate. And hang targets......:cool:
It is to be a nasty virus

but honestly look at stats and how many people get ill and die from other illnesses....

Yes we should be cautious but what, are we all going to hide in a bubble? The world must still go on. Take the appropriate precautions and use common sense. If one is ill say so and stay away from other people. Oh yah I forgot, common sense in this modern world is in short order. I think use ones discretion.

On a side note, my GF was advised by her employer that if any staff travels outside of Canada they are expected to stay home for 14 days. Really? We were planning to go to Minot ND just to get away for a break, well we did not go. I am not to concerned. We have enough toilet paper anyway to last us a year.....LOL
8 brave souls are shooting this weekend at Pencil Bluff. Not worried about the virus. Too damn cold for anything biological to survive.
Flu and virus

As per the internet, 50 Million people get the flu in the USA and 50,000 people die
from the flu every year in the USA. A professor at Nebraska Medical Center
has projected 96 million cases of Carona Virus and 480,000 deaths
from the virus. Their is no tested vaccine for the virus as of this date.
Michigan has 25 cases, Penna. has 41 case and New York has 429 cases.
Schools, churches and rec centers are closed in Michigan. I do not think
it is a good time to travel.
I find it disappointing that anyone on this board would "not go out" because of a trumped up hysteria based on over-reporting of a virus....... this is P O L I T I C A L ! ! ! ! people......... so I cain't talk about it ......... but "Puh-LEEEEZE!!" when in two weeks the world HAS NOT FALLEN APART (as it was supposed to do by yesterday...) PLEASE do us all a favor and remember that fact!

The truly terrible result of this is that hundreds of billions of dollars are going down the toilet...... this is truly the largest "disaster" as far as economic impact, of my lifetime.

The financial effect of this madness dwarfs 9/11, dwarfs all the tornadoes/harricanes/earthquakes/volcanos I've experienced......

I've been all over town today, to grocery stores, hardware stores, parts stores..... fast food joints...... spent time with my kids.....dropped off some video cards for one of them to upload to youtube......

Just another day here in WA

I'ma' go shoot now.

WA state has closed all K12 schools as of this past Friday.
Wa has 641 virus cases and 35 virus deaths as of today.
This thing can only get worse. I agree that the networks
have over reported this issue but it could be for a good cause.
I find it disappointing that anyone on this board would "not go out" because of a trumped up hysteria based on over-reporting of a virus....... this is P O L I T I C A L ! ! ! ! people......... so I cain't talk about it ......... but "Puh-LEEEEZE!!" when in two weeks the world HAS NOT FALLEN APART (as it was supposed to do by yesterday...) PLEASE do us all a favor and remember that fact!

The truly terrible result of this is that hundreds of billions of dollars are going down the toilet...... this is truly the largest "disaster" as far as economic impact, of my lifetime.

The financial effect of this madness dwarfs 9/11, dwarfs all the tornadoes/harricanes/earthquakes/volcanos I've experienced......

I've been all over town today, to grocery stores, hardware stores, parts stores..... fast food joints...... spent time with my kids.....dropped off some video cards for one of them to upload to youtube......

Just another day here in WA

I'ma' go shoot now.

Rarely, have I read anything so absolutely stupid.
The good news is you're far ahead for this weeks Darwin award.
Within a few weeks we will have treatment drugs rolling out, after that a vaccine down the road. As of right now......absolutely zero .
Ultimately it wiil be handled......right now, most are behind the curve.
I've done a lot of reading about the virus today. I'm taking it seriously. I work for a major hospital. They have put travel restrictions on us, such don't fly, don't go to Massachusetts etc. They can't stop you, but they require that you check with Occupational Medicine before coming back to work.

We have several active cases in our community and these folks attended group functions before they were quarantined. I expect that I'll be required to work from home soon. My wife's job as a receptionist requires her to face the public every day, and some of them cough and sneeze without covering. I fully expect we are both going to get it. She is 64 and I'm almost 69. Life could get very dicey for us. Fortunately, our town has offered to bring food to those that are quarantined.

Get ready for life to get really strange.
Until I actually see a pandemic I will treat this as another Y2K. The sky is not falling yet.

Rarely, have I read anything so absolutely stupid.
The good news is you're far ahead for this weeks Darwin award.
Within a few weeks we will have treatment drugs rolling out, after that a vaccine down the road. As of right now......absolutely zero .
Ultimately it wiil be handled......right now, most are behind the curve.

I take a flu shot every year, along with the pneumonia vaccine that older people should get. I also had the Shingles Shot after watching my younger brother go through pure hell with a bout.

It’s just common sense.

Common sense now says do the prudent thing until medical science has a better solution.
I take a flu shot every year, along with the pneumonia vaccine that older people should get. I also had the Shingles Shot after watching my younger brother go through pure hell with a bout.

It’s just common sense.

Common sense now says do the prudent thing until medical science has a better solution.

The pneumonia vaccine is supposed to really help the respiratory impact of potential infection.
Remember, the big story here is that while this corona is serious, a common cold is a corona and 4-5 big pharma companies are working on a joint effort for therapeutics aimed at covid, and they are going at the speed of light.
For what I read ( several top flight investment research papers on Pharma) treatment will come pretty quickly but, hell, be careful until they arrive.
I went to my Costco yesterday to pick up a few things and, once inside, saw the checkout lines going to the back of the store. So I sauntered through the store singing "The sky is falling, the sky is falling" Think I got more smiles than glares. Left without buying anything.
Rarely, have I read anything so absolutely stupid.
The good news is you're far ahead for this weeks Darwin award.

Yeahh, I get that a lot :)

3 of the folks in this thread have taken opportunity to call me stupid in times past.

Notice my avatar? "Oft dis'd member"

I've earned it

Nice thing for you is, you've got the masses behind you, you'll always have support.

While I'll still be crying in the wilderness.......