Wolf primers?

Charles E

We shot a club mach today, and I tried Wolf small rifle magnum primers for the first time. 10 out of 45 rounds didn't fire, even with a second strike.

Before I pull everything apart & start looking for possible causes, has anyone else had this happen? The rifle (.30BR w/ Lapua brass) has fired several thousand rounds with no problems using 205Ms. Lapua primer pockets are a touch deep, but the dent in the primer looked adequate, esp. with the second strike.

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I had so many misfires with those little suckers that I gave up and went back to the Remington 7.5s. :)
this is the first i have heard of so many failures to fire at one time.

my 2cents worth is seating depth .......
( the only other ftf i have heard of is in large pistol..and it was seating depth)

the fact that they did not go off on second strike,,,says....maybe firing pin protrusion ?

i have been shooting a bunch of wolf with NO failure to fire.( but large rifle and sr/223)

how did they perform in testing prior to the match ??

what is different now ??

old silver cup or current copper cup ?

too many at one time for the primer to be bad...

mike in co
Charles, the Wolf primers I tested were 0.0005" larger in diameter and 0.005" shorter. It is possible the primer pockets are too deep for this primer. Or, your firing pin is marginally on the short side.
Jerry, I think it's a problem with not seating the primers fully. I shot some wolf sr/223 in a club match last weekend and had 3 fail to fires. I had shot this gun all week long working up a load for this match with no ftf's. I always made sure to fully seat the primers during load workup. After I settled on a load, I then loaded 50 match rounds and got a little lax in my primer seating and had the three ftf's. Upon checking my remaining rounds I found a few that weren't seated fully. These primers take more seating effort than a 205m and you may have a tendency to prime your casings based on the pressure exerted to seat a 205m leaving these wolfs shallow in the pocket.

Disclaimer: This opinion is worth twice the amount you paid for it and in no way is based upon scientific data.
wolf primers

Usually the FTF Is because they need a crush fit.
The the lot i have have a thick cup like the CCI Br4.
A few weeks ago a friend of ours was shooting in the last of our winter league, He had FTF but that was due to a soft firing pin spring.
He had been storing his bolt in the cocked position most of the year.
I have tried them in two actions and neither would set them off reliably. Lot of hangfires and a few failures. I have one more action to try them in and if they don't work I got stuck with 2000. I have tried several things to get them to fire including making sure they were fully seated or crush fit if you like. I removed some of the failures and couldn't set em off with a hammer. These are current mfg SRM primers.
I as well have never had a problem with a Wolf Small Rifle Magnum primer. The only problems I have had with a Wolf primer is piercing the regular Small Rifle and not the Magnums. I agree that either they are seated very deep, the firing pin is not protruding out of the boltface enuf, or both. But just my thoughts, don't mean they are right.

Matthew S Keller
1. It was a BAT action.

2. The primers were fully seated. I seat by feel rather than a gauge, and then rotate the case 180 & seat again (K&M tool).

3. I have not checked firing spring protrusion, I suppose that's next. But double-struck cups showed fairly heavy cratering. I'll allow that the single-struck cups did look a bit light, so it could be pin protrusion -- 205Ms have always worked, but 205Ms do go off pretty easily.

4. These were the copper-colored cup, recently purchased.

Testing before the match? No no. I will say that those that went off put them in the same place as the 205Ms.

BTW, this was an indoor 100 yard range. First time I've ever shot indoors with a CF at 100 yards. Based on this one match (I know, too small a sample size), things I've heard about the trickiness of tunnels & indoor ranges is true. Of course, none of that affects primers . . .
1. It was a BAT action.

. . .

Therein lies the problem. The scuttlebug around town is that Bat's don't hit the harder cups of Wolf primers hard enough to get reliable ignition. Modifications are needed and according to some, they should be done regardless of which primer you're shooting.

I'm just relaying the message. Don't kill the messenger!:(
I read on one site (6BR) that the wolf SRM's were scratching this persons barrel.
I have shot several thousand in an AR15 and a Rem 700 and once I started to seat them fully...not one misfire, and I haven't seen any bore scratching.
I will say this about the Russian stuff...back in the early 70's...some would...well... do what they had to do to get Russian 22 ammo...
fire in the hole

I have been shooting them. With a few thousand rounds fired, misfired, refused to fire, did not fire, did not pop, not a single one. Scratched the barrel, not mine, how is that possible? If a dumb a-- Yankee may ask. Not trying to be a smart a--, just curious.:confused:

Dan Honert
I read on one site (6BR) that the wolf SRM's were scratching this persons barrel.
I have shot several thousand in an AR15 and a Rem 700 and once I started to seat them fully...not one misfire, and I haven't seen any bore scratching.
I will say this about the Russian stuff...back in the early 70's...some would...well... do what they had to do to get Russian 22 ammo...

i'll second that, how does a primer scratch a bbl ??

mike in co
I didn't say that the primers scratched barrels, the other thread that I mentioned said that. They are saying that the priming compound has silica or something in it that is scratching the bore.

Wasn't putting the blame on you Mark, just wondering about you said they said. Now I know, some forerin matter in the forerin primers, in some foreriners barrel, AHA.:D

Dan Honert
I've had misfire problems with Wolf SRM in a Panda. I've tried different seating techniques with no luck. Wonder if I drop down to a .062" firing pin, if it will help with misfires?
Well, if I knew the answer, I wouldn't have made this post. Short aside: I had a T/C Contender that I recut the hammer notches shorter & put in a stiffer spring in an attempt to shorten the lock time. Net result was that it was pretty good with Federal primers, so-so with CCI, and and iffy with Remingtons. But the second hit would almost always light them off.

From column B, the BAT has no problems with Remingtons, and the second strike did absolutely no good with the Wolfs. Not one of the 10 fired with a second hit.

Moving to column C, Lapua primer pockets seem deep. Worse, the closer you get to the center of the pocket, the deeper they are. The primer pocked unifier tool I also use for cleaning cut just a bit on the circumference of the pocket, but didn't even hit the dirt in the middle.

So, I don't think it is the BAT per se; anything that is 100% reliable with Remingtons probably has the oomph. But I'll check the spring, and esp. the pin protrusion. While I can't imagine a short anvil not letting go with a second hit, inability to imagine isn't quite good enough.

BTW, I replaced the hammer in the T/C. With that turning striker for RF & CF, it's ignition is iffy enough anyway.

It helps a lot to know other people have had trouble.
i have shot several thousand wolf SRM and LRM in remingtons, a BAT, surgeons, and stillers. i have NEVER had a failure to fire in any receiver.

Wolf Primers?

Once I started hard seating the primers in a Lee Press last year I had no
more problems. However, the first time I went to the range this year, and
the temp. was 52 degs. F., I started haveing to hit a lot of them twice and
one of them never did fire???? During the winter I loaded all my ammo
with Wolf primers so the first match I went to yesterday I was a little
worried about missfires. I had two primers that failed on the first hit - but
went off on the second hit. The temp was in the low 60's. Any one else
notice temp problems with Wolf?? They worked fine last year in warmer weather.