Winds of Manatee

Buddy Ross

New member
Just want to remind all that Winds of Manatee is coming up Feb 7-8; LV/HV, 100/200. The match is held at Manatee Gun and Archery Club, about 24 miles east of I-75, off Hwy64, in Manatee County, Fl(east of Bradenton). I'll make no comment about the weather, than to say it will likely be better than where you are. We have had some folks in the past dispute this claim, but they came back anyway. We were extremely pleased to welcome them again. We hope to see you there, as well.
Thanks, BR
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Appearance Money????

I guess it would depend on what kind of apppearance you made; normally, we charge double for one-eyed fat men.:eek:
I guess it would depend on what kind of apppearance you made; normally, we charge double for one-eyed fat men.:eek:
That's the reason Rooster Cogburn doesn't come, too. ;) Jerry Dailey and I are planning on being there. I'm bringing a jacket in spite of all the claims to be warm. I'm not falling for that again.

You might better bring a coat, just in case a cold front moves in. George Kelbly still reminds me of the year he had to go back to "sunny Ohier" to warm up. He wore his fur cap with the earflaps down all that weekend.
I've never been to Lakeland or Bradenton that I was not cold. I don't believe y'all's tourist trap BS for a minute. ;)
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Yeah, it was brutal today! Low this AM was about 54, high just barely made 75. I don't know how we stand it. Supposed to be real bad tonight, down in the high 40's. :)
Yeah, it was brutal today! Low this AM was about 54, high just barely made 75. I don't know how we stand it. Supposed to be real bad tonight, down in the high 40's. :)
You poor baby! :( Poor, whiney, griping, moaning, mistreated baby. Just wait until I get there and it will drop into the 20's. Never fails. See y'all in a little over 3 weeks.
You poor baby! :( Poor, whiney, griping, moaning, mistreated baby. Just wait until I get there and it will drop into the 20's. Never fails. See y'all in a little over 3 weeks.

Dunno about that Mr. Coleman. See the thread/photos in "General Discussion/Tropical Minnesota" for Manatee weather..................

Take a chance! Bring shorts!
See you there.


Yeah, it was brutal today! Low this AM was about 54, high just barely made 75. I don't know how we stand it. Supposed to be real bad tonight, down in the high 40's. :)

Cut the torture. That's about the same as waterboarding to us Iowa folks.!!


Yeah, but don't you northern folks usually tell us in Florida, "We like having all four seasons." I'm guessing you're not too pleased with the one you have now? Just come on down!!! I can almost promise you'll not see snow down here, except on TV. Be glad to have you at our match again, Dave.

I came when you had the matches in Jan, you guys run a good show. I can't make the Feb matches because of a work conflict every year. Catch ya somewhere else this year.

BTW-it has warmed up over 50 degrees here since last Fri. Also about the 4 season thing, after last Spring we have a fifth one---called FLOOD.

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Buddy Ross

Did anyone break Buddy Ross's e-mail machine after his post? I didn't hear back from that boy.

Tommy, how ya been? Long time, no see. No, my "e-mail machine" ain't broke. I just didn't want to completely break Coots' spirit, talking about our weather. Which has been cold, at least by our standards. You coming down for the match?
Hey Buddy,
How about posting the schedule for the match. Hope this cold spell warms up.
See ya in a couple of weeks.

planning on getting outa here next week. keep the clouds away.
hey dave coots left out blizzard. dave hope ya got things cleaned up. ray
Hey Ray

You and all the other northerners (that is anyone above I-10) need to come on down. The weather is fine and will undoubtedly continue;) for the match. Jim and Buddy prettied up the range today while Art and I closely supervised their work. We are looking forward to starting off the season with friends and fellow shooters, you'll travel safe.
Thanks for the schedule Buddy.

Dwight: Right on! "Workers are a dime a dozen, but good supervisors are worth their weight in doughnuts"............old Korean proverb.:D

Hey Ray No blizzard this week

planning on getting outa here next week. keep the clouds away.
hey dave coots left out blizzard. dave hope ya got things cleaned up. ray

Have a good time in Fla-watch those guys down there.

But i did get the Excursion back in the garage today after i cleaned it out-first time since the flood in June. One more weekend and i'll be back to shootin. Just about have all the stuff put back where it belongs.

Sometime when you are bored take everything off all the walls in your house, garages, and toy shed, cover them with mud, then put them back up after cleaning and let me know how it goes. Oh ya, don't forget to build a bunch of shelves and stuff like that in the garages.

See ya somewhere in 09

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