Wilbur Needs a Cure

Wilbur Update

Hi Friends.

Thanks for all the nice thoughts and prayers for Dad. He can certainly use them.

It's going on five weeks now that his stomach has been unsettled. He's been on a liquid-only diet, and it's really taking a toll on him.

He looked and felt a lot better Sunday, and I was hopeful he was finally getting on solid ground. Those hopes were short-lived as he was feeling rough yesterday to see his oncologist. They felt like the medication was the culprit.

It was nice to find out what got him in this mess, but the trip down there took a toll on him.

By the time I got him to the hospital today, he was so dehydrated his kidneys were starting to shut down.

Thankfully, they're keeping him overnight. With all this CoVID-19 stuff, they won't let me stay, but I just talked to his nurse. She said he's getting fluids and resting.

I hope to have better news tomorrow when I can touch base with an actual doctor. Either way I'll be sure to keep you posted.

thanks again,

Elmer Harris
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Elmer thanks..
Pepto Bismol is a sure cure. Takes care of queasiness and stops ya up for a day or so......H. lipori looks like some bad sh*t....
Looks like flu, Wuhan flu, hang over stuff, bad mexican which is E. coli(not washing hands after going into a bathroom. Didn't do anything, But, others have. door handle), all the Covids, MERS Covid is really bad(just from the door handle), Sars covid.....There is all kinds.....
Wilbur's Wednesday Update

Hi Friends!

I'm happy to report my Dad has gotten some fluids in him and sounds a lot better on the phone. They are keeping him another night in the hospital.

I'm sure glad he's feeling a little better, buy they've still yet to figure out for sure what's going on.

At any rate, I'm hoping the next "Wilbur Update" will be brought to you by the man himself.

Thanks for all the nice words and prayers.

Look for another update tomorrow, and thanks again!

Looking forward to any updates...Wilber is a good man and we are rooting for his recovery.


Thanks for the update. It's nice to have better news.
My best wishes are flying to Wilbur.

Wilbur Update - Thursday, June 25

Hi Friends,

Here's the absolute latest update on Dad.

A real doctor must have finally arrived on the scene. With a couple of days worth of test results, they have concluded Dad has had a kidney shut down and he is being transferred to a hospital in Chattanooga for a procedure to treat this.

He's still having issues with his stomach, but this could be a factor in that as well.

Other than that, he's sounding great, and I truly believe they finally have a good plan in place to get him back on his feet.

Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers. Dad sends his best to everyone.

Please let you Dad know that I am praying for him to get back to normal quickly. His Benchrest Central site is my daily medicine!
Matt Dardas
Wilbur Update

Hi Friends!

I'm happy to report Dad is feeling pretty darn good. After several days of nothing to eat or drink (only getting fluids via IV) he had his first solid meal.

While the source of his condition is still unknown, he certainly seems to be headed in the right direction.

Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers.

That's some nice news to start my day with.

Go ahead Wilbur, make our day !!!!

Best wishes.

ps : Elmer, have your Dad been tested for cov19 ? 'cause G.I. + kidneys trouble is considered quite a "cov classic" here.
Hi Friends!

I'm happy to report Dad is feeling pretty darn good. After several days of nothing to eat or drink (only getting fluids via IV) he had his first solid meal.

While the source of his condition is still unknown, he certainly seems to be headed in the right direction.

Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers.


As many might remember, I went through total kidney shutdown about 12 years ago.

At the emergency room after I collapsed, they treated me for coronary distress for several hours until someone looked at the bloodwork and noticed my Creatine level was over 6. My kidneys were not working.

It took 7 days in the hospital until I was functional. I lost about 30 percent of each kidney. I recovered, but have to be careful.

I said all of this to tell you that they determined my kidney failure was brought on by my taking Celebrex, a very common anti arthritis drug. For some reason, still unknown, it shut down my kidneys.

Is there a possibility that Wilbur’s kidney problems are the result of a drug reaction?
Though I've drifted from Benchrest over the last decade, I remember Wilbur perfectly and his wellbeing is important to me. One of the world's foremost true Good Guys.