Who Hunts Varmints ?

varmint hunting

my sentiments, exACTly. Afternoons (and mornings, too:D) watching, listening, enjoying the outdoors, being just another hunter, hunting the hunters. ;)

During the summer months, I'm usually out in a field by 6 p.m. glassing for chucks. I've gotten permission on quite a few farms that want the critters eradicated; we both win. Being out allows me to unwind and observe some really interesting things taking place. For example, several years ago I was able to stalk to within three feet of a den of fox kits. Many of the farms I hunt are owned by wealthy people who like to hunt fox with horses and hounds. I gave them my word, when I received permission to hunt, that I would not take any foxes. At any rate, I was about 200 yds. away glassing for chucks when I saw these fox kits tumbling and playing. I crept up on them and of course they were curious when they spotted me but I was very slow in movement and talking to them soothingly. Over several visits, I was able to get within three feet of them and took some amazing pictures. I never returned after that visit because I did not want them to become accustomed to humans. It was a unique opportunity to observe wildlife up close.

At any rate, shooting groundhogs at long distance is one of my passions. It simply amazes me how quickly they wise up once you start harvesting a new field.

Lou Baccino
I agree. My fondest memories include "sniping" varmints at long range.

The point I was trying to make was NOT to post varmint and game pictures on this forum. Often newer members in their enthusiasm wish to; and do not realize this was discussed years ago and a decision to not post those pictures was decided.

I understand about the pics. no problem here. I to like shooting paper but not to many do here. There is one place about 50 miles from here but nobody wants to go. I would like to get in to benchrest but it would be better if someone else would like to go as well. So I do my thing and been doing it for over 35 years now. So if it's ok I talk about it with out pics.

Thanks Clint.
I agree. My fondest memories include "sniping" varmints at long range.

The point I was trying to make was NOT to post varmint and game pictures on this forum. Often newer members in their enthusiasm wish to; and do not realize this was discussed years ago and a decision to not post those pictures was decided.


I think you're out on a shakey limb here........ you posted the question to Wilbur recently and unless he answered you divinely we can't see an answer.

YOU yourself have posted pix of dead stuff..... as have I many times. You also posted a cartoon a while back which nearly gave me an infarction when I opened it in the living room!!! I found this cartoon to be many times more offensive than a dead squirrel.

Unless you ref the actual "discussion of years ago" or we get a word from Wilbur, I say back down a little without you get some backup......... concensus of other posters/mods, or an answer from The Wilbur hissownself.

Just MY opinion

Any others?

Do all the mods agree with Dennis?


I didn't see the pictures recently posted, but I don't recall the discussion years ago. I have to say I have seen (and taken) some range rat pictures that would definitely be in poor taste on this forum. Wilbur pretty much backs the moderators when they make the call.


PS: Still just mulling over that concrete stock?:confused::D

I didn't see the pictures recently posted, but I don't recall the discussion years ago. I have to say I have seen (and taken) some range rat pictures that would definitely be in poor taste on this forum. Wilbur pretty much backs the moderators when they make the call.


PS: Still just mulling over that concrete stock?:confused::D

Hi, I didn't post any pics. here. He delete the link to my site because I and others have pics. on MY site. I don't think that was right to delete the link. I think you should have the right to check out other links and you see if you like them or not. Not just one person doing it for all of us. Maybe that's how things are done in Canada but here in West Tx. we do things diff. I was just wanting to see if anyone else hunted varmints. I didn't mean to start anything up between anyone. I like shooting and varmint hunting and was just asking a question. I hope that's ok with everyone here. I may post some pics. from time to time but will be of rifles and targets. I have other places to post the other pics. Unless someone say it's ok to post the other pics. and someone wants to see them I wont do so. But I still think my link should be able to be on here. I will leave that up to the mods. I would like a pm on that pls.

Thanks Clint
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I think you're out on a shakey limb here........ you posted the question to Wilbur recently and unless he answered you divinely we can't see an answer.

YOU yourself have posted pix of dead stuff..... as have I many times. You also posted a cartoon a while back which nearly gave me an infarction when I opened it in the living room!!! I found this cartoon to be many times more offensive than a dead squirrel.

Unless you ref the actual "discussion of years ago" or we get a word from Wilbur, I say back down a little without you get some backup......... concensus of other posters/mods, or an answer from The Wilbur hissownself.

Just MY opinion

Any others?

Do all the mods agree with Dennis?


I have posed the question to Wilbur on the Center Fire Forum. Hopefully a response soon.

Personally and as a hunter and varmint shooter I have no problem with game/varmint pictures; I was just doing what I thought was a Benchrest Central preference. I think this should be decided by Wilbur so I will do nothing more and wait for his response.

Let's not all get our shirts in a knot over this, it really isn't a big deal one way or another. :)
No dead animal pictures. No politics. No personal insults. What's next? No conservative ideology?
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Here in MD we have no coyotes, ferral pigs, ground squirrels, p-dogs or badgers. We do have lots of ground hogs, whistlepigs and woodchucks. Almost any field sown in clover, alfalfa or soy beans is gonna' have 'em.
I have taken them with everything from a 22 Hornet to a 300 Wby.
You can hunt them and scout deer at the same time.
22RF is realy marginal unless your guaranted a head shot. You can take 'em with a body shot out to 50 yards with 17HMR. In my experience any further
and you not assured a clean kill.