who actually has a BR gun built on a Trued model 700 action?

i guess I should clarify,

I am in NC, i shoot at rockingham county gun club and got to shoot a custom 6ppc last weekend,

i loved, it, it shot a .187 for 5 shots with me jerkin the trigger and fire forming some brass. Im addicted.

I would like to be competative, i dont have to win, right away, down the road im sure i can build a full blown custom on a panda, or hall or surgeon or something, but right now i need to get goin with what I have.

i do have an XR100, single shot action i could use for maybe a better more rigid base platform?
so no one, in the entire game, at a local level, is competative with a 700 action?

well i find that hard to beleive, and granted im sure it isnt the best there is available, but i find it hard to find that it isnt possible, otherwise what happened, that there were so many good guns and then all of a sudden it isnt possible?

Anyone that says a properly built up M700 can't be made to shoot extremely well doesn't know what they are talking about.

It just isn't financially sensible to have the work done now, even on an action you already own. And it almost certainly won't shoot if you save money by having the local gunsmith down the road do the work.

The most accurate rifle I have ever shot was a sleeved Rem. 700. I still have it and will let it go when I find a good home for it.

Dick Wright
i guess my thinkig is this maybe its wrong, but thats why im coming to you guys, your more experienced, and hopefully giving me sound honest advice, instead of biased opinions

i have a good solid shooter, if i can rebarrel and restock it and make it shoot decent, for a lttle bit at a time whats wrong with that, and then selling it or keeping it and building one later, if i have to wait until i can afford a full blown custom, even used in the 1800-2000 range, i will spend all of my time sitting and watching for the next year or so.

why not work now with what options i do have, while saving for a full custom as i go.

I guess I have Dennis Brame to blame for this as it was his gorgeous 6ppc that hooked me, he did however sign and witness the .187" group i shot with it while fore forming some brass.
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the only thing not competitive about a remmy is being slow IMO. but that is only if a BR gunsmith fixes it up with all the tricks. it also isn't as strong as a custom action if you like it hot. right port with flat bolt= hunting and pecking. not a problem if that's what you do. nothing wrong with a solid bottom remmy IMO. I like em but when I go to the line in a big match I'll take a bat everytime. I would love to have a good remmy to play with tho. gonna get me one and get my new shooter buddy one real soon I hope.

great where was this post 2 months ago, its starting to make me sad and sick to my stomach..

I'm in the works right now on having a 6mmBR built on one of my Rem 700 actions.

Its getting the works from the bolt to the stock, its going to cost me around 800 bucks for just the work, not including parts, ill have a little over 1375.00 in it when she's all done.

BUT the gunsmith i have is super human so i know mine will shoot..;)

First of all, a well done Rem. can be as accurate as you need for BR. There was a time when if you owned a Rem. action it made financial sense to use it. But there is more to BR than pure accuracy...things like ease of operation and bolt/port layout become more important as you gain experience.

I would highly encourage you to buy a used custom actioned rig with a known performance record. Just because something has a custom action doesn't mean it performs like it should, though. The guys you shoot with at your club can will probably know what's available. It's nice to be able to shoot a rifle before buying it..another plus for a semi-local deal. You'll be surprised what's out there for sale if you just start asking around.

If you decide to use your Remington, remember that the wait time for a barrel and stock are just as long for a Rem. as for a custom action. ;)

If you're frustrated with waiting for a used rig to come up, I'd trip the Rems. and use the proceeds for a new-in-box custom action and go from there. Tough to go wrong with a Kelbly Panda or a Stiller Viper for the price.

Welcome to BR....have fun and good shootin'. :) -Al
700 Actions

Use what you can afford, I have some very competitive BR rifles on both custom and Rem 700 actions. I have not noticed any difference in either, if you are looking at making on a resale forget it. Build what you want shoot it and enjoy it, that is the payback. For information sake the rifle that just broke the 1000 yard heavy gun group record is on a Remington 700 action.

i think his one would have more potential as it is the model XR100 action,

its a factory solid bottom single shot model 7 action, the same one the XP100 was built on.
I've got a clutch of 700s, most of them have had all of the magic hokus-pokus done to them, by me. The only reason I mess with them is that it is fun to place up there with the custom, high dollar rifles at a match. Factor in the cost of barrels, bullets, brass, reamers, custom dies, neck turners, travel, motels, etc, and a custom action isn't that big of a deal. I would never pay the $$ to have someone else do all of the tricks to a Rem action nor will I do it for others for money. The reasons have been covered many times here and in other threads. Some of my guns have won NF scopes at 1k Championships and shot real small groups but they were being shot by others, not me.
The joy of shooting a BAT dual port on the bags is great. "Buy the best and cry once", Bruce is right, there. Sometimes there is no wait if Bruno's or Russ Haydon have the action you want on the shelf. Or buying a used rig is sometimes a good option.

Jay, Idaho
I don't Know much?

But I sure do like my Remington. This is my VH gun with a 6x Burris, hopefully this works


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Learning the BR game, It's of up most importance to know when it's your fault that the shot didn't go into the group for whatever reason. Not something you blame on the rifle. You just have to know you can steer the rifle and that the rifle will put the shot where you want the shot to go.

For a new shooter, buy a good used BR rifle, get yourself a few barrel blanks, a case of primers a case of 8 lbs kegs of powder and find a bullet supplier you can rely on. Go for it.

BR rifles are not unlike buying a pet, the up front cost is the least of the expense, it's the up keep (keeping it fed) that really costs. It's the same old thing, the cost of a stray down the road, cost you the same as the best breeding. I don't expect the dog that wonders into the yard to preform like a well bred retriever.
Who actually has a br gun built on a 700 action

I bet allie euber and his brother lee received at least half of his points using a sleeeved 700 to get into the hall of fame.
That said it is a question of economics.
Buy what you can afford. Your just getting your feet wet into the sport so it's your choice. There are plenty of used rifles
right here , some will shoot others are just so so.
A custom action doesn't necessarily guarantee success.
Here is the standard procedure for a 700.
Buy action about $350 to $400 unless you have one.
Buy trigger 2 oz about $150 to $180 buy custom bolt from kiff $125 for body firing pin assy is about $50 to $60 . Have action reamed for new bolt . Lapped in lugs and have threads checked and starigned if need be. Now the action is ready about $29 for a new bolt handle have handle welded on about $45 to $50 action work is about $125 up.
When you all done it will be less expensive to buy a preditor or borden action.. Then the rest is up to your other componets
stock, bedding, scope rings etc. When you get done you will find it less expensive to buy a used rifle and have it rebuilt by a known benchrest smith
so take a good look at the classifieds and expect to have at least the barrel replaced. Once in a while a real beauty come s along. It's the luck of the draw .
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Francis Broussard & Don Geraci

Francis Broussard has 9 HOF points and Don Geraci has 26. All of Francis' points were garnered with a 700 or 40X and Don got many of his with a Brckney-built 700 Remington. Of course Don went to the custom actions and Francis quit shooting group a few years ago. I don't know what this tells one, but if it were me, I would opt for a used BR rifle with a custom action instead of "fixing up" a 700. Good shooting....James Mock