who actually has a BR gun built on a Trued model 700 action?



Well after an unexpected trip to the emergency room i think buyin a bench gun outright may be put on back burner until i find out how that is going,

so it got me thinking I have 3 model 700 remingtons, two long actions and a short action,

if i build a gun on this action I have a ew questions,

1, who has a gun built on a 700 action, and how accurate can they be?

2, who should i get togo through the action and true it?

3, Who makes a 700 long actions benchrest stock?

4, any suggestions i should know about?

5, what the best way to go about making it a singe shot? follower only?

the SA is a 308 bolt face so my PPC would be a go on that one, also one o the LA is a 30-06 so that would work too

the other is a 7mag and i was thinking a fast twist 243 wssm would possibly make a good long range gun heavy gun,

any thoughts on that caliber?
243 wssm

If you would like to stay out of the emergency room stay away from this one..
I have seen a 243wssm blow up in a factory gun with factory loads.
bad news this one is.
You will get some good advice on this forum, but here is my take:

1, who has a gun built on a 700 action, and how accurate can they be?
There are virtually no NEW bench rifles built on a 700 anymore. Yes, they CAN be as accurate.

2, who should i get togo through the action and true it?
A number of good benchrest gunsmiths can do it.

3, Who makes a 700 long actions benchrest stock?
(not sure)

4, any suggestions i should know about?
To be truthful: don't do it.
Sell 1, 2 or 3 of them (or build hunting rifles)
Buy any of the current benchrest actions (BAT, Rimrock, Stolle, Stiller) OR some of the real good deals on used rifles on this site. You won't be sorry and get much more of your money back in resale. The "700 vs. custom action" debate has been fought many times over with the same result. Even with a Rem 700 in hand it is best to shed a tear, part with it a buy a custom action, or to save money a used rifle. About the only thing that wears out on a rifle is the barrel.

5, what the best way to go about making it a singe shot? follower only?
In 1976, my first bench rifle was a 700 glued into a McMillan stock. The cut-out was filled with a simple aluminum plate. More often 700-XP-600 actions were sleeved.

You asked about caliber? 6PPC
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dually noted,

i was just hoping i could use the magnum bolt face for something decent, but i dont want the 243 wssm to expolde on me either.

im really hiping i can sell my rifles, im not asking more than actions sell for, so hopefully it will come through,

i would liek to get them sold so i can jump into a 1200 or so dollar rig hopefully.
johnny webb just picked up a nice 700 at rachels glen from scotty grimes. if you never plan to sell it and don't care how slow it is then go for it. the SA will work- don't go for the LA. any new or used BR stock will do with a competent stocker at the controls. just remember like was said you'll never be able to sell it for near what you'll have in it so build it like you want it. call a BR gunsmith of your choice or near you and they can steer you right.
It costs too much to....

build one up from your action. It's much cheaper to buy one that has already been built and which (hopefully) you can research and find whether or not it is a good shooter.

A really good sleeved Rem. will shoot with anything but you can't get a LBRP and the modern convienences.

You can buy one cheap and you will have to sell it cheap. I've got one with three or four barrels (two calibers), a scope, dies, etc, for about $1500.00. It has a weight system, Jewell trigger, etc.

Haven't advertised it yet.... we'll see.

Dick Wright
Rem 700 Benchrest Gunsmith

2, who should i get to go through the action and true it?
(Bob Brackney) 1-928-684-3255
I have a LH 700 Br

Rifle, that I use for VFS on Sat, change stock and scope, Shoot Vhtr on Sunday
I know its more work but hey it works for me.

In the Fall I put camo tape over my Vhtr stock (which I made by redoing my HS precision stock that came with the action) screw on my 260 AI barrel and go slay deer, coyotes, and the occasional Fox.

A multifunction rig for me.

The Master Smith that built it is Stan Ware, SGR Custom Rifles.
I'm new to this world as well. Had two br guns built on rems one long and one short both in tracker stocks. They do well enuogh for score or vfs matchs but just will not group as well as my new panda.
DanW I have several Rem 700 SA with BR barrels...

I have two 6BR, one 22BR, and one 6PPC...all Rem 700 SA...
I bought the new 6PPC bolt from PTG Dave Kiff...
I would like to point out that I am mostly a varmint shooter...
I shoot varmint for score matches...a little...
I like my Rem 700 SA rifles...they will shoot in the 1's and 2's...
I do not know if I would try to compete in BR for group matches...
BR guys try to shoot the best aggregate...
Up until 1975 to 1980 there were alot of Rem 700 actions used in BR...
I shot one of Jef Fowlers Rem 700's in .222...finished in the middle of the pack...
Jef Fowler lived across from the ranch I grew up on...
Can you be competitive...Yes...shoot alot of bullets and learn to read conditions...
Enjoy those Rem 700's...the colonel.
i dont know...but i asked a similar question.

in my case, i'm doing the work, if you are gonna pay someone to do the work, the scale tips to a custom action( i believe).
some day i'll post how it comes out.( its a long range gun....300 win mag)

mike in co
here is what i would do

I would build a 7mm mag on your long action, great long range caliber, especially for hunting. Depends on how you build it and what you want to use it for. I have a custom 7mm mag built on a rem 700 and use it mainly for longe range hunting and steel shooting. As far as I am concerned one of the best long range calibers, epecially for hunting. I have taken game out past 800 yards with mine so far, and hope to reach one at a thousand if everything goes right. I also have a 6mm br built on a rem sa. Shoots groups in the low twos pretty often. Shot a varmint for score match with it last year with 55gr sierras because that it what I had and finished second, every other gun there was a full blown ppc benchrest rifle, of course my dad and brother shoot ppc's in matches all the time, so that probably helped me prepare.
My short range mentor had a railgun built on a 40x action that shoots lights out. Of course, there's a difference between the 40x and the 700, but I must admit, I was shocked to see him threading on a non-custom action to play this game...that was, until I saw the thing shoot!

The gun was written up in PS last year. I don't know which issue but it's my old Ferrari gun.

The calibers are .22 SBR (.200" short) and 30 BR. The scope is Sightron with a Stevens (Yeah...him) modification.

Email me or call me at 989-386-3932. If you wanted the gun I can sent it to Kelbly's via one of our guys.

I also have two other guns that I would sell.

Dick Wright

I have several rifles built on custom actions, fully assembled for around $2,400Then I got the hots for a 6mmBR on a Rem 700 action. After full blueprinting and now into the second barrel, it is not competitive. I have around $2,800 in that one. What a mistake!!
Depends on where you are and what you want to shoot. Do you want to be in a position to be able to compete on the national level or on a local level? Just shoot on the weekend for fun or??? Only you can decide where you are trying to go and how much money you want to put into this game.
Here is the best advice in a simple package.

1. On a new build....custom action only.

2. With the prices of used BR guns now....custom action.

3. Only time to buy a BR gun on a 700/40x is.....a proven winner....and I mean nationals/supershoot, etc.

Greg Tannel claims he can make a Remington shoot with the custom actions..only thing is that he charges $600+ to rebuild your Remington action..:eek::eek:
Now lets see you have a right bolt/right bolt with slow lock time,etc with $1000+ invested in it..I would be surprised if it would get you in the top ten..on a bet..:(

Eddie in Texas