Which action/setup should I go with?


New member
I'm going to start on building my first 6br and am wanting to do it once, cry once, and walk away with a really nice rifle that'll stick around for a very long time. I don't have unlimited funds, so there will be a budget...just more than I've generally spent in the past.

I want to do a RB/LP setup...maybe dual port. I want a br bolt face...unless a no-turn 6beggs would be a better choice. I also want it to be a single shot, I have repeaters.

So...just looking for suggestions. I've been looking at the Stiller Cobra mostly...$1050 MSRP with rings and trigger guard....seems like a good deal. The Marsh is a sexy action though...and it seems to be a quality unit. I've also eye'd the sub-$1000 Pierce unit that's very nice. I've also looked cheaper into the Savage RB/LP target action.

I'm not worried about resale....I want to keep this rifle....the closer I can get to $1000 the better... I'll still have to buy a trigger, stock, barrel, brass, dies, bullets, powder, etc..etc... I'm budgeting $2500 for all of it..and I think if I take my time, I can pull it off. I have a Weaver T36 I can use for now....as well as Burris Signature Zee rings.
just for fun. my family has a private range that's 200yds. i've been shooting one of my 223s there, from the bench with a bipod and and...but want to build something specifically FOR the range now....using a rest and bag setup. The most it'll get shot is 200yd...i have more yardage at other locations..but already have rifle's for those places.

I don't have a class, weight, certain specs I have to meet....just want to out do my buddies shooting their 260's and 308's at 200yds.
the Kelbly Panda would be perfect for this rig, or Bat actions.. getting Stiller actions other than Predator ot Tac is almost impossible...

then a Krieger barrel, 8 twist for long range, 13.5 twist for short range.

jewel trigger and a stock that you like...
OK OK....... a dissenting opinion....... IMO the important thing isn't which components but moreso whom you have assemble said components.

A True Blue BR gunsmith can put together a 308 that'll compete anywhere in our solar system but the average backyard hacker won't make a 6PPC shoot any better than the 7-08 Salvage he cobbled together last week

A BR rifle is a SYSTEM, not a buncha' parts ordered from JC Whitney

GSR, the first question you'll want to address is: do you want a 'glue in' or conventional pillar bedding? An action that's designed as a glue in may not leasily lend itself to conventional bedding methods (pillars and a recoil lug).

Good shootin'. -Al
OK OK....... a dissenting opinion....... IMO the important thing isn't which components but moreso whom you have assemble said components.

A True Blue BR gunsmith can put together a 308 that'll compete anywhere in our solar system but the average backyard hacker won't make a 6PPC shoot any better than the 7-08 Salvage he cobbled together last week

A BR rifle is a SYSTEM, not a buncha' pai agrrrts ordered from JC Whitney


I agree....I'm hoping to hand the parts to Leonard Baitey. If not him...there's several other excellent smiths local to me.

As fir the kelby and bat, I considered them...but they seem to cost more than one of the other actions plus the barrel blank :-/
GSR, the first question you'll want to address is: do you want a 'glue in' or conventional pillar bedding? An action that's designed as a glue in may not leasily lend itself to conventional bedding methods (pillars and a recoil lug).

Good shootin'. -Al

Well....I'd not mind a glue in...but only if I could still do a change barrel setup. Ultimately I'd like a 1:8 barrel as well
Bat B 1.35" is $1175
Kelbly Panda is $1150
Stiller Diamondback is $1150
Borden brm is $1175

all similar actions with similar prices...

availability is the only thing that matters... some are in stock, other have years of waiting....
Changing barrels with a glue in is not a problem. If you are sticking with the BR case, I would suggest one of the shorter actions. There are several available. If you have followed James Mock's posts, you have seen that the rifle that has been loaned to him for evaluation and testing, that was built on one of Dr. Marsh's actions has given a good account of itself.

While walking down the line Saturday, at a match at the Visalia range, I spotted an action that I was unfamiliar with, that looked pretty well done. Upon further examination, it turned out to be a Stiller D'Back. Jerry also sells an aluminum action that is a half inch shorter than the Viper called The Cobra, and of course, BAT makes a short action that has been a popular number.

The reason that I think that you might want to use one of the shorter actions, has to do with rifle balance as much as anything. The weight of the barrel is that much farther back in the stock, which makes it easier to balance the rifle without having to add too much weight. Scopes have gotten heavier, so this is become more of an issue.

Ultimately, I would discourage you from choosing an action by price, when you amortize any difference over the number of years that you will be enjoying the rifle, the additional cost per year becomes insignificant, and you won't have that nagging feeling that you wish that you had spent the extra money to get the one that you really liked best. Good luck with your project.

Another idea: Call Jim Borden. Great action. Great gunsmith. No one, and I mean *no one* understands timing an action better than Jim. Also, he will put a complete system into your hands and talk you through how to set up dies and how to tune.
the Cobra was my first choice, by a large margin....followed by the Marsh... I really do like the shorter footprint of them. I'll keep looking though....and I'm going to call up the local group of smith's and see what their lead time and opinions are.

Now...commmme on tax refund!
I strongly suggest a custom action with a 700 foot print. You'll have an easier time with stock choices. There's no way I'd do a glue in on this type of rifle...no upside and plenty of downsides. A Kelbly Atlas or Borden Alpine would make a great setup. -Al
I strongly suggest a custom action with a 700 foot print. You'll have an easier time with stock choices. There's no way I'd do a glue in on this type of rifle...no upside and plenty of downsides. A Kelbly Atlas or Borden Alpine would make a great setup. -Al

stock will be a Shehane ST1000, he's local and I shoot with some of his old shooting buddies so I definitely want my money going to someone that supports the sport as much as he does.

but, what are the downsides to a glue in?
stock will be a Shehane ST1000, he's local and I shoot with some of his old shooting buddies so I definitely want my money going to someone that supports the sport as much as he does.

but, what are the downsides to a glue in?

I have a gun that fits the description that you are looking for. Call me at (318) 868-8945 if you are interested.
I have a gun that fits the description that you are looking for. Call me at (318) 868-8945 if you are interested.

I appreciate the offer, but this will be spread across a few months...and really wanting to go through the whole process of building up the rifle myself. I've been doing more of that sort of thing in the past few years....makes me appreciate the stuff more and I tend to hang onto it longer.
stock will be a Shehane ST1000, he's local and I shoot with some of his old shooting buddies so I definitely want my money going to someone that supports the sport as much as he does.

but, what are the downsides to a glue in?

the downside.. you can't change anything... if the trigger breaks then you can't screw the action out to fix it.

I have a Stiller predator in .308, it's in GRS long range stock for hunting and prone shooting, I also have McMillan Edge stock for that action so I can shoot it benchrest style.

that would not be possible with a glue in....
the downside.. you can't change anything... if the trigger breaks then you can't screw the action out to fix it.

I have a Stiller predator in .308, it's in GRS long range stock for hunting and prone shooting, I also have McMillan Edge stock for that action so I can shoot it benchrest style.

that would not be possible with a glue in....

hmm....very good points... so i'll have to ensure that whatever action i choose does use pillars and skim bedding...

hmm....very good points... so i'll have to ensure that whatever action i choose does use pillars and skim bedding...


Basically, the reason guns are glued together is to save money......the right guy can make a screwed together gun shoot just as good but it costs more. Were I to hazard a guess I'd suggest 150-200.00 more for a competitive screwed together setup.