Where are the F-Class posters????

I was hoping for a little activity myself. I have a new 600 Yard F-TR 223, and would like to correspond with other long range 223 folks.

I think you'll find more F-Class info and exchanges between www.accurateshooter.com and www.usrifleteams.org and www.snipershide.com Forums than on here......

I visit Benchrest at least twice a week but daily visits to the other sites, they tend to have a more deverse and larger membership with cross over shooters that shoot Benchrest, Varmint & High Power...remember other than a few places F-Class is run during or as an NRA High Power and International Fulbore Rifle Tournament.

I've been shooting it since before the NRA took over and made Classifications, spliting the Mid & Long Rnage Courses.....

Nice to see some others interested......
I was hoping for a little activity myself. I have a new 600 Yard F-TR 223, and would like to correspond with other long range 223 folks.


Since this seems to be a generalized thread, I will ask (as a newly qualified 600 yard shooter, newbie to F class), do you have to worry much about wind-drift with the .223 @ 600 yds? I have been told I should not even try using my Savage m.12 LRPV in .204 Ruger, because of the lightness of the bullet. I have been shooting a borrowed Savage F-class .308, which I really enjoy, but have been advised to get a m.12 F class 6mmBR. On line, these seem to be scarce, and delivery times from dealers are uncertain. On the other hand, there are plenty of 6.5-284's available, but I have been warned away from them, citing short barrel life. And we only shoot to 600, no 1,000 yard ranges around here. I have wondered about a Savage m.12 Palma, but am uncertain as to whether I can shoot a variety of .308 loads in it, or if I would be restricted to 155 gr with the dimensions quoted. The Lapua site carries two kinds of .308 brass, but the Palma difference seems to be only in flash hole size and primer size. So is a Palma rifle a feasible choice for F class Open? (I know it costs more...) Need to choose and purchase a rifle, I shouldn't expect to keep the loaner for the whole season.
The .204 works okay for the 300yd. end of Mid Range, and will print on the Target face at 500 & 600yds. but you'll give up alot to the wind with it.....even at 300 yds I've seen it blown all around the X by the swithches the guy couldn't see (only 1 Wind Flag per the Rules) and he held on center and prayed.

I use a .223 Rem. 1-7" Twist and a .308 Win., both for F/TR my Open Class rifles include a .22-204 Ruger, .223 Rem., 6mmbr and a .243 Win.

For the F/TR .308 Win. I've found the best all around bullet for Mid Range to be the Sierra 155gr #2155 over Varget, Wolf Large Rifle Primer and Fed. Gold Medal brass......Haven't went past 600 in Comp. as the ranges are limited in the Northeast.

The .223 Rem. likes Sierra 77, 80, 90 Match Kings, Berger 80 & 90gr VLD's......

I think that a search of GunBroker will yeild either a Palma or FTR Savage Rifle, there's even an older 112BTS on there in .300 WM, the Original Savage Competition Rifle: search was completed with "Savage Palma"


And if you use Savage Target:


I've been shooting Savages in competition since the late 80's, some of the best built by Larry Racine:

Benchrest central is a great forum. Formerly it was exclusively Bench Rest Shooters and topics. Wilbur graciously added the F-Class Forum option/thread. You will find more F-Class post on LongRange.com a forum dedicated to Match Rifle, Service Rifle, Palm Rifle, and the longrange prone shooters. It will be interesting to see if the new experimental Benchrest/F-Class shooting will take off. Sounds like a great idea. Shooting F-Class targets and format except from a bench instead of on the ground.
Nat Lambeth
As to the orginal question " Where are the F-Class posters????" If they were shooting they are probably like me just to tired to even type.

I shot my first F Class match today and it was at a 1,000 yds. I have been shooting Long but mostly 600 yd Benchrest for a few months now. Benchrest was a fall back discipline, since I thought I was going to be unable to shoot F Class, due to a few injurys. After shooting three and sometimes four Benchrest matches a month I have finally gotten myself into a position to shoot ( or at least try to shoot) an F Class match. Today was the day, and I shot at Tullahome, Tn 1,000 yd match. With sighters I shot probably 90 or 95 shots. And spent a lot of time in the pits pulling targets.

Man what a great day, I had recieved a lot of advice from my good friend Bob Pastor but was only vaguly prepared for the day. It was Hot and Long, I hurt in places that I only thought had stopped hurting, I mean my damn hair hurts. However it was one of the best times I have ever spent at the range. Score was complettly unimportant to me as this was my first match. I just wanted to get throught the day and that would have been a complete success, however I did shoot pretty well scoring in the top 10% of shooters today.

F Class was everything I thought it would be, both the good and the bad, but I am hooked cannot wait to find another match as soon as possible.

Roland, I celebrated my 72nd birthday on Saturday and shot my first F Class match yesterday, at 600 yds (all we have), in bright sunny but cool weather, with some nasty changeable gusty winds. This was right on the heels of a Springfield/Mauser match, shooting my Swedish Mauser model 96, so there was a whole lot of shooting and target frame pulling. I had a ball. Shooting a borrowed Savage F class .308, which I really like, but the cost of the Hornady Superformance A-Max ammo was very sobering. Have to re-load in self-defense. Now to find a rifle of my own.
There was a big IDPA match going on at the same time, with all these urban warriors running/standing around, giving us strange looks as we went back and forth between the butts and the 600 yd line, in relays. All I can say is, I have found my tribe, and I am sticking with them. Great bunch of people, and so helpful to a newbie.
Best kept secret in the world!!!!

Roland, I celebrated my 72nd birthday on Saturday and shot my first F Class match yesterday, at 600 yds (all we have), in bright sunny but cool weather, with some nasty changeable gusty winds. This was right on the heels of a Springfield/Mauser match, shooting my Swedish Mauser model 96, so there was a whole lot of shooting and target frame pulling. I had a ball. Shooting a borrowed Savage F class .308, which I really like, but the cost of the Hornady Superformance A-Max ammo was very sobering. Have to re-load in self-defense. Now to find a rifle of my own.
There was a big IDPA match going on at the same time, with all these urban warriors running/standing around, giving us strange looks as we went back and forth between the butts and the 600 yd line, in relays. All I can say is, I have found my tribe, and I am sticking with them. Great bunch of people, and so helpful to a newbie.

Like you I just shot my first (500) and second (1000) Palma matches the last two weekends. I am 76 and haven't had that much fun ever shooting a gun. Getting down was hard but getting up was a lot harder. I hadn't spent that much time on the ground since I fell off a ladder while painting the rain gutters. I was introduced to the game by Norm Darnell shooting his 22 DDT at the Phoenix Rod and Gun Club and Ben Avery north of Phoenix. That rifle is his long range Praire Dog gun. Now I have a long list of things I need to buy. Going to melt the numbers off my debit card Great Fun Don Carter