When is match brass practice brass



I've been pondering this question since the 1000 yard Nationals. According to one shooter of who's mainstay is short range benchrest but also shoots 1000, new brass always shoots better than old brass. I shoot two rifles, a 6.5 284 shehane with necks turned down to .0105 and a no turn 6 dasher. I'd be interested in some opinions on how many reloads some of you keep your match brass before it becomes practice brass. I only use Lapua brass.


Geoff Campbell
I believe good sets of brass remain good sets of brass, providing the sizing die sizes the case right. New brass shoots good because it is soft, and doesn't get sticky because it is small in the chamber. When i broke the record the brass was on the tenth firing, but annealed every time. THAT SET OF BRASS SHOT 5 INCHES OR UNDER EVERY TIME IT WAS SHOT. When Phil broke the IBS record the brass was on 20 plus firings but annealed. Matt Kline
My thoughts agree with both opinions above, but also I'd say, Match Brass is Always Practice Brass. If I'm trying to learn something and going to bother to load up ammo to test with, I'd be doing it with my best match brass. That's just me. Now if you're talking about trigger pulling practice, then I don't know cause I never thought there was any trick to that. Gimme 5# o'bannana's and I'd teach an orangutan to pull the trigger. :D

I should qualify that and say that if the test is a ladder test, then completely forget the above. Imho, ladder test brass is ruined forever. Don't ever shoot that crap in a match lest you like loose'n.
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Well, based on the lack of comments I think I am going to make up 100 new 6.5 284 shehane cases and put them to the test. After a single firing to form the body I will shoot them against my 5x loaded match/practice brass. I'll report back the results in a few weeks.

Agreed - never!

Match brass = Practice brass

Practice brass does not exist outside the set defined as match brass
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i agree...never....
practice is practice... it should equal expected conditions and performance...

perfect practice makes perfect....nothing less

mike in co
You guys have me seriously confused.

Al says "Never". As in ? you don't use match brass for practice brass? :confused: Or you do use it? Which?

Wilbur says "Never". Then, says "Match brass is less than good brass and not equal to practice brass?" :confused: Huh?

Then Mike says "practice is practice... it should equal expected conditions and performance..." :confused: Not sure what that means either...

Well, does that mean you should have separate practice brass?
Al chucks ANYTHING out of Match Norm into a pile to be used for shooting things not paper.

Al requires that every round fired through a barrel for effect be as close to the others as humanly possible.

Al feels that anything else is a waste of barrel and time.

Al feels life getting short

We make all new brass for a big match and after the match is over it becomes practice brass,
I am with dk hunt 14................When I borke the 1,000 yd. record with my 6.5 x .284 super, it was during the eigth reloading. And that was the good Norma brass. I did not retire those casings until I retired the barrel a 1300 rounds and 13 reloadings...........Right! I had 100 cases:)
Rich De