What's your Favorite Bedding Epoxy??

At the other end of the scale, had a guy once who crushed his bedding a few hours before he was to head of for a hunt & asked me to get him out of it.

Now I wouldn't recommend Plasti Bond bog under most circumstances, but with the action set in using some Acraglas release, it was dry, shiny clear in an hour & held together for more than a year in the field before he came back for a proper bed.
For those that do not know, it you are trying to make weight,
adding micro balloons to to your bedding mix, increases volume,
decreases density, with only a very slight loss in strength...really small.

Just an option if you are close on weight.
I use microballoons and devcon titanium If im really gettin funky but usually use em in west systems instead of al's floc. This is on my own personal bed jobs btw.