What's up with PS covers?

Well, I LIKE PS, and I LIKE Brennan's ramblings.

I even like the covers.

I don't know how Brennan could do any better for articles even though some of the stuff like "the zen of canyon plinking", the ramblings of Rychetnik and Chief WolfCloud's articles about scout rifles are not exactly my bag.

Shoot, this issue has at least 15 pix of guys from this board.......that's always fun too.

I just don't understand armchair quarterbacking, but then the last time I watched people driving around in circles or throwing or hitting or catching balls was I dunno when........that don't make it stupid though. I could sit and watch pool tournaments for hours back when I was shooting pool more, I once drove many miles just to watch folks hit balls into pockets.

guess it takes all types to make the world go-round. :)

OOOPs, my boys just challenged me to ping-pong on the livingroom table........gottago......


I like the covers, they are well composed and examples of high quality photography. I think that a fine English double rifle which has a value in the five firgure range would probably qualify as a precision firearm.

The articles are diverse, entertaining, often informative, and pretty much attempt to cover the rifle shooting sports. There is more to the world of precision rifle shooting than just benchrest. In fact, BR shooters probably represent a minority when it comes to the rifle centric sports.

I couldn't disagree with you more. A high price of a rifle that is designed to shoot 2 or 3 moa groups at 50 yards at a stampeding cape buffalo has absolutely nothing to do with precision-neither by cost nor performance. The fact that the pictures are of high quality is besides the point. You could take a pornographic picture with a 25,000 dollar Leica camera and it is still porn! Quality of image was never the problem. The problem was not about content either. The articles are very good for the most part in my opinion with far less snoozers than most hunting/gun rags. The problem was that there have not been any "precision" rifles on the cover in over 1 year! It would be similiar to putting a 50 bmg on the cover of Small Caliber News. It just doesn't fit.

If you like the covers, fine. Just say you like them but don't try and pass off a five digit price, double barreled scatter gun as a precision instrument to me 'cause I ain't buying it.

And I also disagree with you that BR shooters make up a minority of accuracy minded shooters. We ARE THE ACCURACY MINDED SHOOTERS!! Yes, there are highpower and long range hunters, but everyone in BR is concerned with accuracy and nothing else. That is why a muzzle loader on the cover doesn't interest me in the least.
Goodgrouper if you want a nice magazine cover, consider joining the Varmint Hunters Association.

I joined last year so I could participate in their shoots, and found their magazines to be a really nice bonus.

Every one of their magazine covers are outstanding high quality images, and worthy of being framed.

I really look forward to seeing whats on the cover of the next issue, and couldn't recommend it enough.

Here's a link


Thanks for the recommendation Joe. I have been a long time member of the Varmint Hunter Association. Even belong to all the clubs from 500 on out to 2000.
You are right, the VHA has top notch covers. Worthy of framing for sure. But the VHA has the opposite problem as PS in my opinion. The quality of the articles has gone down hill so bad from about 1998 to the present that it is a mere shadow of what it once was. I swore that the next time there were more than two articles per issue about some guy blasting some coyote at 100 yards with a regular, off the shelf 22-250 I was going to quit subscribing. Well, the next issue came and there were THREE articles about the same thing! Enough of that wasted paper!

Just wish we could get VHA quality covers with PS quality articles-minus the rattlesnake hatband stuff of course!
Look at "Precision Shooting" going back to the 1960's .
Covers with L.E. Wilson for example.


Yup! I remember when T.J. Jackson was on the cover. It was better than making the cover of Rolling Stone...well, at least to those of us who knew him.

Rick -I have that issue . Maybe Precision Shooting should reprint some of the older covers inside as a history lesson.

I remember one of the last issues of shooter's news had some kind of kindergarten crayon drawing of a raccoon on the front too. I remember a bud asking what kind of shooting rag is that? I was rollin laughing
Three things for sure..

1. Butch, as you said don't buy it.

2. It comes with an IBS membership and is not the plum it once was.

3. Here on this forum we are only venting on our frustrations. We are not directly addressing the problem. Maybe some of the PS board members will relay the post to Dave as of the last time I talked with him he was still bordering on being computer phobic. Since my subscription has lapsed I don't have a dog in the fight. I just think it is so sad that a Magazine that was so revered in the past is fallen to the way side.

Nat Lambeth