What's happening at Van Dyne for 2015?



Does anyone know what is happening and/or has happened at the Van Dyne Sportsmens club?

I had known that the September VFS match was canceled for 2015.

Now received a phone call from Dick Baier stating that the three Hunter Class matches for this year
(including the 2 day WI State match) have all been canceled there.

I hope that Dick is alright.

But this is a blow to bench shooters here in Wisconsin.
For the time

Does anyone know what is happening and/or has happened at the Van Dyne Sportsmens club?

I had known that the September VFS match was canceled for 2015.

Now received a phone call from Dick Baier stating that the three Hunter Class matches for this year
(including the 2 day WI State match) have all been canceled there.

I hope that Dick is alright.

But this is a blow to bench shooters here in Wisconsin.

being, hold on to the prayer that the BOD at Van Dyne will come to their senses. But make alternate plans for July
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"Does anyone know what is happening and/or has happened at the Van Dyne Sportsmens club?

I had known that the September VFS match was canceled for 2015.

Now received a phone call from Dick Baier stating that the three Hunter Class matches for this year
(including the 2 day WI State match) have all been canceled there.

I hope that Dick is alright.

But this is a blow to bench shooters here in Wisconsin."


This is Steve "Limey" Owen of Van Dyne Sportsmen's Club..

Range master for the Hunter Bench Rest Matches and VFS matches.

September match was declined by Dick and he had elected to run 2 matches plus the WI State shoot.

There has been Changes at the club tied into the way the club is run,security access and other things that do NOT need to be aired in the public Forum.

There as been a direct impact on Dick and we the BOD, where in the middle making access and arranged to support for Dick in the changes which he was non to happy with.

I sat down one Sunday to find out what Dick wanted and needed to help VDSC to successfully run the matches. Things where (are) moving slowly.

There was a mistake in giving Dick's friend Donna a new key to the club house (she did the cleaning)

Dick being Dick, took offense and those who know Dick well know how he can get at times. He took upon himself to call the NBRSA and cancel the matches.

The matches are run by Dick but are under the VDSC banner, many think of them as "Dick's Matches" which after 23 years and all the work he did is fully understandable.

I Steve Owen Will endeavor to continue to run these matches at VDSC. I will do my best to make them as good and as successful as previous matches.

The part of the BOD that is in charge of the rifle Range is meeting tomorrow Sunday March 15 to have a plan of action.

I truly wish that Dick would continue to support and work with VDSC and the NBSRA Matches but That I do not know.

I for one have had many a great day time keeping, and keeping the crowds in order and respect all those that have shot at VDSC over the years.

If anyone as any questions or answers Please e-mail the club at info@vdsc.org and I will reply or call you

Regards Steve "Limey" Owen range officer Van Dyne
Steve: I always enjoyed how you ran the line at Van Dyne....smooth and fair with a dash of humor. :) -Al Nyhus (South Dakota)
UPDATE on VDSC Matches

This is Steve "Limey" Owen. This is an update with regards to the Hunters Bench Rest matches at VDSC.

The rifle range committee had a meeting this am and several ideas with regards to the matches where discussed.

It is the feeling of the committee that the actions taken by Dick have undermined the possibility of VSDC holding matches at the club this year.

I will in contact with the NBRSA on Monday to remove the matches from their calendar.

All monies paid in advanced will be refunded in the full upon receipt of the entry forms from Dick.

Let it be know that despite was is being said or may be said, that the matches had the full support of the Board of Directors of VDSC.

It was not the BoD nor their actions that caused the matches to be cancelled.

I am deeply sadden by this out come.

Many thanks for your support of the matches and VDSC over the years.

Again any one wishing for more info may e-mail the club at info@vdsc.org

Regards Steve Owen
I'm very sorry to hear this news. I hope the differences that precipitated this turn of events can be worked out in the long run. At this point, at least for this year, know I will miss these events and the camaraderie that was always plentiful, but I'd hate to see friendships lost permanently. Hope things settle down and maybe next year?

Best Wishes,
Jim Ash
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Mr Owen, could you contact me by email at kolar55@yahoo.com? I am a life member of the Van Dyne club and have a few questions about the club and some of what is going on there.
Thanks Lonnie
NBRSA Wis State Hunter Matches moved to Holmen Wis

Does anyone know if the NBRSA matches will return to Van Dyne in 2016?
Does anyone know if the NBRSA matches will return to Van Dyne in 2016?

I talked with Audrey Brown with NBRSA today March 19th. VDSC have left the door open to hosting some Bench Rest Matches in 2016. It is very unlikely we will hold the WI State shoot.

The BoD of VDSC is holding off until Sept/Oct 2015 to decide what to do in 2016.

Many Thanks Steve "Limey' Owen

Hi All Steve "Limey" Owen.

Update For those shooters who pre paid for the VDSC shoots. I received the paper work from Dick. On weds night I personally signed all the refund cheques on the clubs behalf and these where mailed out today Thursday 26th march .

Regards Steve O